Chapter 13

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Niall's POV

When I woke up I smelled breakfast. Mmm Katelinn must be cooking. I walked into the kitchen to see Katelinn screaming at the Bacon."Would you just thaw already?!" I chuckled "Morning Princess."

"Good morning Niall." she smiled. Then frowned "The bacon won't thaw." "We can go without Bacon." I. told her. She sighed and frowned. I held my arms out "come here." She walked into my arms. We sat like that for awhile rocking back and forth."Okay let's eat now." she smiled.

When we were done eating someone called. Katelinn answered it." Hello? hey, No okay yeah but we didn't do anything. Okay yeah we'll be there. Alrighty bye."

"Who was that?" I asked curiously."Liam. Everybody is gonna meet at Nandos he's got news." She informed me. I nodded "What should we do until then?" I asked. She shrugged "Watch TV?"

"Or...." I said wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck."Niall not right now." She sighed. "Why?" I whined."Because we have somewhere to be in less than an hour. There's no time." "Oh I nodded in understanding."Let's go get ready."

We went to go get ready I threw on a tee shirt and jeans and Katelinn put on purple skinny jeans and a white v-neck t shirt we both put on high tops. Katelinn left her wavy brown hair down. We left to go to Nandos.

When we got there Katelinn sat next to Anna and they talked about girl stuff. I sat next to Harry."So what did you do last night?" I asked.

"Um you know not much Anna slept over." He said dragging out the words."Did you...?" I waggled my eyebrows."Best night ever." Harry laughed. We highfived.

Katelinn's POV

Harry and Niall highfived while Anna and I talked. Just then Zayn walked in with his girlfriend."Hey Zayn." Anna said hugging him. She looked at his girlfriend." You must be Perrie." she smiled."Zayn talks about you non-stop."

She laughed Zayn blushed and rolled his eyes."Your Anna right?" Asked Perrie."Yeah this is Katelinn." She pointed to me and I waved.

Louis walked in with Eleanor and we hugged, and said hi. We all sat down and talked till Liam finally arrived with Lisa on his arm.

"Finally Liam. What do you need to tell us?" Anna whined.

"Okay my children I've gathered you here today to share some news. Lisa is now my girlfriend." Liam informed us.

We all cheered. Niall put his arm around me, and Harry put his around Anna."Anna is my beautiful wonderful girlfriend." Harry declared. They both smiled wide and kissed.

"Katelinn is my Amazing beautiful princess." Niall smiled and kissed me.

"I have news." Zayn declared."Perrie and I are engaged." He entwined there fingers and held up there hands so we could see her beautiful engagment ring.

Louis and El frowned."We have no news." Said Louis. El rubbed his hand.

"That's okay you guys are adorable together." We all smiled."well this has been a very informational lunch hasn't it.?"

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