Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

As we left the house I felt very self continuous because, one, I was only wearing a tee-shirt and undies, two, there is about a billion girls out here screaming for Harry and Liam. We got down the steps and they saw me. They called me names and insulted me. Bitch, fat, slut, whore, "why are the boys hanging around you your ugly. Eww it hurts me to look at your ugly face. You must be one directions personal slut aye?"

That last one stung and Liam heard it because he started yelling. "This is my sister and all of you, so called directioners, need to shut up she is wonderful and beautiful, so stop!" He yelled angrily.

I gave him a hug we sprinted off to the car. When we got to the car I sat in the passenger side Harry sat in the back and Liam in the driver's seat. "Sorry about that. They tend to get, urm, excited." Liam told me.

"So I guess you are in a band." I said still dazed from all the screaming and flashing camera's. "Yeah it's pretty big. I've never met a girl who didn't recognize us." Liam told me.

"How are we gonna walk around a whole store if we cant even go outside without getting mobed?" I asked. "We have bodyguards." Said Harry. The rest of the way there was filled with useless conversation.

When we got there I was hungry so we went to the food court. I was going towards McDonalds when I saw Katelinn my best friend from America. I started quickly walking towards her.

"Katelinn?" I asked. "Is that you?"

"Nope it's Barney." She replied sarcastically.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm having family issues. I went to look for you but you weren't home. So I decided to investigate and then I found out you were here so I sorta stole some money and flew down here." She explained.

"Made a friend, have we?" Said Liam.

"Liam this is Katelinn my friend from America. Katelinn, Liam, Liam, Katelinn." I said.

"Ello." Said Liam. "Jello." Said Katelinn.

"So where are you staying?" I asked katelinn.

"Well no where at the moment I kinda don't have any money here." Katelinn explained.

"Oh." Then the idea popped into my head. "LIAM!!" I yelled.

"WHAT??!!" He yelled back, causing everyone at the mall to stare at us.

"Can she stay with us? Please, please, please?" I begged.

"I guess so." He smiled.

"Yay!" I said jumping and hugging him.

"What about me I don't get a hug." Harry pretend pouted. I gave Harry and Katelinn a hug and introduced them to each other. "We still have shopping to do." Harry reminded us.

The rest of the day we spent shopping for me and Katelinn. Against our protests they paid for everything. We got a whole new wardrobe. I mean everything. Shirts, pants, skirts, shorts, dresses, pajamas, underwear, bras, necklaces, Bracelets, rings, ear rings etc.

Harry also bought me a 1D blanket and teddy bear. I told him He was sweet and Liam wasn't too happy. But whatever it's my life I can do what I want.

When we got home Liam showed Katelinn her room, while Harry helped me take my bags to my room. When we got there he dropped them by the dresser and plopped down on my bed. I started to put my clothes away unroll I felt eyes burning holes in my back. I turned while folding a shirt. "Any reason your staring at me?"

"I like your hair." He said. "Right." I said drawing out the word. He sighed "You're Pretty." I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and closed the dresser. "Harry..." I sighed.

He took my hand and held it rubbing small circles with his thumb. It was so soft and gentle. Until he pulled me on top of him. He trailed a hand down my face and flipped us so he was on top. He went to kiss me and Suddenly the door swung open. Followed by a very angry Liam who pulled a very scared Harry off of a verry confused me.

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