Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

My mind was racing from the phone call I just received. It was from my mother, from the moment I picked up I knew something was wrong.

"Harry," she said, voice shaking. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Mum, what's wrong? Let me go outside so I can understand you better." I quickly put clothes on and rushed out the door concerned but not wanting Anna to know until I knew for sure, no need for her to worry. "Okay mum what were you saying?"

"Harry, I hate to tell you this over the phone but I need to get it out now."

My mind raced a thousand miles, what could she possibly have to tell me that was so important?

"Today I was watching the Telly when my phone rang, it was Megan, my friend from high school? Anyway, her daughter died in a fire and her mother never had the chance to tell her about herself and I don't want anything to happen to either of us without getting this off my chest." My mother paused for a long while before saying anything.

"Harry you're adopted."

Three words that would make me doubt everything I know. I was frozen unable to move or speak. So many thoughts crowding my head I couldn't sort them apart.

"I wanted to tell you sooner but I just-" at this point she's crying and I'm still frozen.

"I love you, Harold"

"I-I've got to go." I manage to speak before hanging up.

I take a deep breath and try to process the information, it seems like I'm standing there forever before I finally decide to move my feet. I go back to the room hoping anna is still in the shower and doesn't notice my shaken appearance.

But when I open the door there she is dressed and beautiful, I guess I was down there for longer than I thought. When I look at her I want to tell her everything and know her opinion on it, but I don't want to overwhelm her, and I don't need her thinking I'm needy. I put on my best poker face and make my way to her.

She is truly the most beautiful girl in the world. I've fell more in love with her the month we've spent together than I've been in love with anyone else in my entire life. Her hips, her lips, her eyes, her cheeks, her tiny hands, and her beautiful laugh, looking at her makes me know that I will be okay as long as I've got her.

"Where'd you go?" She asks looking concerned.

I place my hand on her hip, "just went to get some fresh air" I lie and kiss her.
I know she knows I'm lying by the look on her face.

"I'm gonna take a shower okay?" I say trying to play it off.

"Okay, I'll be in katelinns room."

While I'm showering all I'm thinking about is how I should tell Anna and when. But then, what am I gonna do?

I shower quickly and get dressed. Before long Anna returns and comes up behind me and wrapping her arms around my torso. My free hand rests on her arm.

"I love you, Harry." She says face muffled in my back.

"I love you, Annabelle." I smile.

I sets down my comb and faces her. I plant a kiss on the top of her head and wraps my arms around her.

"I really do love you, you know? This isn't just something based off looks or sex either, I love you're personality, I want to be around you all the time because when you're with me a shit day can turn into a holiday. I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh. I love how your hair is messy when you first wake up. I love you so much, it's so foreign and I just... Tell me that this is real because this feels like a love story."

"Harry-" she began before my lips crash into hers. We share an intimate kiss and fireworks explode around us, the lights dancing and my heart pounding. When I finally pull away She whispers "I love you too"

She smiles at me and let's me know katelinn and Niall are wanting to go to breakfast, but but by the time we decide on the diner down the road it's brunch.

I don't really care where we go because I'm not really hungry my mind is distant and I'm not fully present.

"You alright mate?" Niall asks as he climbs in the passenger side next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine, why?" I ask hoping he doesn't push.

" you just look a little down is all."

My mind rushes and I want to say, no I'm not okay I'm freaking out, but for the sake of peace I say nothing. Katelinn and Anna are sitting quietly in the backseat, Anna looks deep in thought.

I bite my lip and reach up to adjust the mirror I stare into it when it focuses on Anna she looks so beautiful mouth agape sun shin-

"Look out!" Niall yells and slams his hand on the steering wheel.

My head jerks to the side and my body doesn't quite process what has happened before another loud noise and a flash of light.

I realize we're spinning when I hear the screams but before long we're thrown to the ground on our side and the screams stop.

"Guys?" I struggle, lip bleeding.

No one says anything and I struggle to get of my seatbelt before I feel a warm liquid crawling down my face. I suddenly feel nauseous when I see the deep red stain.

The edges of my vision are slowly going black when I hear a voice that sounds like it's swimming "call the police." Is all I hear before everything turns to nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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