Chapter 10

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Katelinn's POV

"That movie was scary." I told Niall.

"It's not that scary."He argued.

"Yes it is." I insisted.

"Nu-uh." He argued.

"Yu-huh."I insisted.




"I'm hungry." I whined.

"Lets go open the pizza, princess." He said talking my hand and leading me to the Pizza. He opened it and there was pepperoni sausage mushrooms and olives.

I fell on the ground dramatically and pretended to have a fake heart attack. "What?!" Niall said worried. "THERE'S MUSHROOMS AND OLIVES ON THE PIZZA!!!!!"

Niall rolled his eyes "C'mon Princess I'll pick them off for you." I looked at him with wide eyes "Okay." I said skipping over to the Pizza.

Niall's POV

I stared at Katelinn with loving eyes as she skipped to the Pizza. She took out the pizza cutter and cut a piece for me and a piece for her. She frowned at her pizza while mumbling "Who puts mushrooms on pizza? Icky."

I chuckled at her and put my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. She took a piece of pizza and turned to face me she fed it to me. and kissed me on the nose.

She was so beautiful. She was nice and feisty at the same time. I liked the way she just sorta you know completes me. The way she fits perfectly in my arms is like the missing puzzle piece. I don't know I just feel like I'm falling for her.

I want- No I need her to be mine. I looked into her eyes band she raised an eyebrow, "What" She asks. "Nothin." I shrug "Just thinking."

"Okay what ever you say Nialler." She says while pointing at her Pizza. I chuckle and start to pick the things she dislikes off of her slice. She eats it and looks at me. "What should we do now?"

"Come spend the night with me." I say taking her small hands in my large ones. She looks at me "Mmmm." She says unsure. "Please princess I have lots of food, and I live right next door." I beg. She sighs "Fine."

"I'll go pack a bag and we can go." She says starting to walk towards her room. I catch her arm. "I have everthing you need." I smiled. She rolled her big beautiful hazel eyes, but didn't argue.

When we got to my flat I already had a plan I was gonna ask her to be my girlfriend. We got there and she marvelled around the large house. The way her eyes lit up.. and went behind her and scooped her up carrying her into my room, bridal style. I played her down and started tickling her. "Nialllllllll sstopp hahaha I ha swear if you ddont haha stop I will hehehe bite you!!!" She said I stopped and looked in her eyes and kissed her passionately on the lips.

Katelinn's POV

He kissed me passionately on the lips BAM!!! fireworks went off everywhere. We pulled away for air and he looked into my eyes. "Katelinn will you be my girlfriend.

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