Painting For My Grandpa: #1

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"Wait you mean Grandpa who stays in Brooklyn?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Yes Aspen. Brooklyn Grandpa. 89 years old Jerome Williams," my mum sighed from the other side of the line.

"Okay... So?" I hesitated, waiting for the inevident scolding I'm about to get.

I'm serious though. So my grandpa has cancer, okay. He's old I think it's about time where God is ready to take him in.



"Your grandfather is diagnosed with cancer! The doctors said there's nothing they can do about which means he may go anytime soon. And all you can say is... SO?!"

"Mum. Relax." I groaned inwardly.

Grandpa was always the weird side of my grandparents. He used to feed my aunt's dog chocolate when my aunt was still staying at his house. I have no idea how did the dog survive until it was 14 years old, but it did.

"I'm not going to be arguing with you about this." My mum sighed exasperatedly, evidently giving up.

Thank god.

"Okay so Grandpa is diagnosed with cancer. I'll pray for him at church. Is there anything else? I need to start organising my events. I'm not exactly free right now. Please Mum." I said bluntly, pressing the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I began to type out a document.

"Honey. You know you're the only family member in America who is capable of taking care of Grandpa..."

I literally froze. No. Please don't tell this is going where I think it's going.

"Wh... What?"

"Your Grandmother can't take care of him by herself! So, I told her that you will be staying there to help out. Zara and Riff are welcome to go along with you. And don't tell me you have to work I know you have a gallery outlet near Brooklyn." My mother snapped sternly.

"But but-"

"I'll send you Grandpa's address. And I'll send an email with his address as well so you won't 'lose' the number. Bye honey."

I was about to protest but the beep from the other line indicated the end of our conversation.

"Darn it." I muttered in frustration.

And my mum wasn't completely right. I have a gallery outlet in Boston not Brooklyn. Then again, I can work from home, and Mum has already told Grandma that I'm going over. Without me having any knowledge about this decision beforehand.

I guess that's what happens when you stay millions of miles apart.


A knock resounded from the door, followed by Arwin's head popping in, her red hair all up in a bun.

"Mrs Bondi is here to buy the artwork she has booked." She said in a cheerful tone.

"Thanks Arwin." I smiled gently as I rubbed my temples.

She then frowned, noticing my tired expression.

"You okay? You seem stressed out."

"I'm okay. My mum called an hour ago. I can't concentrate on my work properly." I sighed as I let my hand drop onto the table.

"What happened?" Arwin asked cautiously as she closed the door behind her and sat down on the white armchair infront of my desk.

"Arwin there's a customer outside-"

Painting For My Grandpa | √Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now