Painting For My Grandpa #16

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I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I opened up my laptop.

I need to start solving my problem.


I've spent all morning sobering up from what happened yesterday and I think I'm done screwing around and wasting time.

It doesn't help that my temperature went sky high during the night.

I have now caught a terrible case of the flu and I'm not having a fun time.

My current situation isn't helping my grandparents too much either.

Grandma has been left to do the chores on her own as she once had before we came.

She says it's fine but I'm not very convinced it is.

I clicked open the notepad application on the computer to try and start planning on how I'm going to get 8.9 million within four months to get that Mr Dick off my gallery land.


It has been one freaking hour and NOTHING has come to me.


I groaned in frustration, scrunching my hair out of it's roots.

My heart throbbed painfully in my tight chest and black dots appeared in my vision. My breathing grew ragged and strenuous, my whole body shaking.

How am I going to save my gallery from a dickass if I can't even find a way to raise the majority of the money needed.

I'm a freaking idiot.

Anguish came over me like the high tide.

"THE GALLERY IS AS GOOD AS GONE ISN'T IT?" I screamed, throwing the pillows madly off the bed.

Sobs heaved out of my chest in breathless gasps and the tears kept flowing.

"Woah woah! Aspen! Aspen!" I hear a voice call in panic, swooping me into his arms to restrain me.

"It's hopeless Riff it's hopeless. I can't live like this he's going to take everything away from me. Riff I want to die," I wailed clutching his shirt as my tears drenched it.


I hugged Aspen tightly to me, rubbing her back in comfort.

"Aspen what happened baby?" I spoke softly as she trembled in my arms.

She's a mess.

I felt my heart pang as I looked at my miserable girlfriend before me.

She doesn't deserve this shit at all.

"I...I can't do this. It's too much. I-I..." She stuttered, tears streaking down her pale cheeks as she looked up at me.

Her eyes were filled with despair and fear and her hair clinged unto her drenched face.

"Calm down Aspen. Breathe slowly. Breathe in and count to five. Breathe out count to ten. It's okay," I cupped her face in my hands, my eyes boring into hers.

She did as I told her to for a few minutes and eventually began to calm down.

"I'm sorry," she laughed sadly as she rubbed her eyes," I...I just suck at saving galleries."

She looked at me in the eyes once more, tears glistening in her eyes once again.

"Riff what am I going to do?" She said, her voice trembling.

Painting For My Grandpa | √Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now