Painting For My Grandpa #17

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Riff and I had a lot of fun together at the fair.

We rode several rollercoasters many times each.

The first time we rode a rollercoaster, I had left my hair down and in the end the wind kept blowing it into my face.

I'm not surprised if I've swallowed a strand of hair. Riff was a superb boyfriend and wouldn't stop laughing at me, to my annoyance.

So the second time I decided to tie my hair up into a high ponytail.

And my hair whipped Riff's face several times instead.

I've learnt from then on that my hair is amazing at revenge.

And I'm never letting it down when I ride rollercoasters again.

We ended up getting home by 6 o'clock and took quick showers before helping Grandma out in the kitchen.

She and Zara were pretty much done cooking dinner so Riff and I offered to wash the pots and pans.

As we washed, Zara sat at the kitchen table to work on themes for her new fashion line.
Riff and I made small talk, giggling when events from the fair were brought up.

I then notice Grandma walking into the kitchen, probably to start setting the table.

She comes by and kisses me on the temple, doing the same for Riff but afterwards whispering something to him before patting his shoulder and walked away.

All I could hear was a distinct "thank you" departing from her lips.


After dinner, I headed upstairs to check on my blog for abit.

I grabbed my laptop and made myself comfortable on the bed.

I scrolled through the comments, eager to find Lyria's possible comment. I kind of really miss that girl.

There it is.

lyria_lovesmarshmallows commented:

Your words encouraged me a lot 'cause I finally realised  how important it is to take chances that are given to me. I hope your own words will encourage the 'you' who is facing any problems. Stay optimistic


I couldn't help but be reminded of the amount of things going on instead of properly appreciating Lyria's comment like I usually do.

Don't get me wrong. I really appreciate her support.

But the subtle reminder of the stress and pain I'm going through took me away from seeing the bright side of her comment.

I felt my chest tighten at these thoughts and I sucked in a breath.

You'll get out of this hell somehow Aspen.

You will.

Or maybe you won't.

But you don't know that yet.

Now until it really is over.


I walked into Grandpa's room and sat down next to him.

He opened his eyes and grinned a toothy smile at me.

I smiled back and rubbed the back of his soft and worn hands.

I glanced around his room, and then realisation hits me.

I never realised how many paintings I've painted for Grandpa the past few months.

Painting For My Grandpa | √Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now