Painting For My Grandpa: #6

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I woke up with a start and looked around anxiously.

"What happened? Who robbed the house?" I shrieked.

"MY PHONE DIDN'T CHARGE LAST NIGHT!" Riff complained and threw his phone onto the bed angrily.

Which hit my shin.

"Ow Riff!" I winced. His angry pout however made me begin to laugh and I burst out in giggles as I clutched my shin.

It took a moment for Riff to realise what he has done and his frustration visibly melted away.

"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly, rubbing my sore shin.

"It's fine." I sighed as my laughter died down.

"You want to shower first? I need to start to continue writing the script for that sequel I told you I'm working on." Riff asked as he pulled his laptop out of his suitcase.

"Yeah I need to get ready for another day of chores," I began as I rolled my eyes, then asking, "Is it the sequel to Outlasting Memories? The one where Zara got to design the costumes?"

Riff nodded. "Yup! I need to get this script done by December which won't be a problem seeing as I'm almost done writing it but I prefer getting it done before the given deadline."

"Nice." I smiled. "Is Alicia Keys going to act in it again?"

Riff hummed in agreement, already beginning to get absorbed into his typing.

I smiled to myself once more, pecking his cheek gently before I headed for the bathroom.


"What do I need to do today Grandma?" I sighed tiredly as I sat at the kitchen table to eat the breakfast laid in front of me.

I forked the bacon and some of the golden coloured scrambled eggs into my mouth.

It's so goooood.

Suddenly, Zara bursts into the kitchen singing loudly to the song playing on her phone.

"Where are you now? Was it all in my fantasy?"

I immediately joined in, yelling at the top of my lungs.

"Where are you now? Were you only imaginary? Where are you now?"

"UNDAR DA SEA. UNDAR DE SEA." Riff comes in screaming the Little Mermaid song as he flawlessly pulled off Sebastian's accent.

Zara smacked him in the chest and lectures him for ruining the song.

I burst out into uncontrollable fits of laughter which was joined by Grandma's quiet chuckles.

Grandma suddenly turned towards me, saying quietly, "Today I want you to spend time with Grandpa. Like how you would spend time with Riff and Zara."

My eyes widened and I did my best to force a smile into my face.

"Sure sure." I grinned with gritted teeth.

I bit the insides of my cheek to stop myself from saying anything stupid.

Don't make things worse for yourself.

I took a quick glance at Grandma who had finished serving breakfast to Riff and Zara and just started eating off her own plate.

She was unusually calm and silent,seemingly lost in her own thoughts. The crinkles on her face showed signs of stress and worry.

Guilt began to consume me.

Grandma has been trying to take care of her crazy dying husband and her daughter-in-law sent her own daughter, Grandma's granddaughter, to come help her to take care of her husband.

Painting For My Grandpa | √Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now