Painting For My Grandpa #7

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I plopped onto my bed once again and relished in it's softness.

Many thoughts were swirling in my mind which made me restless.

Is Grandpa really that bad?

I shook my head in my lame attempt to clear my thoughts.

Obviously it didn't work.

I opened up my laptop, ignoring the constant nagging at the back of my head.

I clicked on my blog once again and eventually find that the sweet commenter has replied.

lyria_lovesmarshmallows commented:

I definitely need a MARSHMALLOW BED 'cause the one I'm currently sleeping on isn't reaaally comfy...

Btw I have a small question to ask. Is Awesome Ian's Decoration Store the best place in London for picking up art stuff? 'Cause I hope to find a nearer art store to buy artistic stuff ,hehe

May marshmallows bless you :)-

I smiled once again.

This girl is surely good at making people happy wherever she goes.

I eagerly began to type back a reply.

Aspen_The_Tree commented:

Oh I see you're a fellow British? As a matter of fact, Awesome Ian's Decoration Store (I like to call it AIDS) is my Uncle Ian's business. Now, my opinion isn't biased but his store is a great place to get art supplies. You can find almost anything there. It's like another version of the Michael's stores. You'll love the stuff there I promise. Although some of the products my Uncle Ian sells there are a bit out of place. A great example would be the random toy section he has at the back of the store. I'm not sure if you've seen it but I'd recommend you avoid there. Those baby dolls are creepy...
Also on International Workers Day aka Labour Day, my uncle would allow any one 14 and above to experience working at the store. You'd be surprised by how different it is from what you think. Tell me if you're interested! I can link you up with my uncle in advance. You could invite your friends too!

Thank you for making me smile!
-The Tree

I clicked on the post button and closed laptop shut.

She stays in London.
I hope I could meet her someday... She's been making my life here in Brooklyn a little easier. Plus, she sounds like a really fun girl.

I pushed myself off the bed as I heard Grandma's call for dinner.

"Dinner!" Grandma shrilled out from the kitchen downstairs.

I rushed out of the bedroom and sped down the stairs to the kitchen.

As I walked into the kitchen, Grandma gave me a pointed look.

"Are you forgetting something?" She narrowed her eyes.

It took a while for me to register what she was hinting at.


"Oh! Right! Forgot!" I ran out of the kitchen and into Grandpa's room.

"Come on Grandpa let's go!" I hastily helped Grandpa into his wheelchair and proceeded to quickly wheel him into the kitchen.

"Okay! Dinner!" I exclaimed excitedly, pushing Grandpa to his regular spot at the table and sat down at my own seat.

"Be patient!" Grandma sighed.

Painting For My Grandpa | √Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now