Chapter 11

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I found out later that night that two Fairy Tail teams made it into the grand magic games. I was jumping for joy, I have a feeling that we're going to win this year. I'm not even going to let people get to me about us not winning. I have confidence in my guild mates.

Everyone had went to the arena to see the first day begin. The guilds got their own seats this year. Obviously the competitors did, too, because their the one's that are competing. You could tell everyone was on the edge of their seat this year. Even if they don't want to admit it, they for sure are.

The pumpkin face guy came out and announced that ere need to be one person from each team to participate in this challenge. Gray went went for team A. Juvia, you can guess why, went for team B. Lyon went for his team. A guy with a really cool hat went for Sabortooth. Some guy who looked like a spider went for Raven Tail. Then a country girl went for Mermaid Heel. And Eve went for Blue Pegasus. Then some dude went for Quarto Cerberus. Everyone had been put in this town like simulation. Where there was a copy of each of the contestants. That's one big challenge. Especially for Juvia. She had brought Fairy Tail team B down to negative one point.

"Juvia has to restart all over again." says the G.M.G. judge. He's always the judge and he gets really excited over the battles. In my opinion he need to chill out, he gets really annoying after a while.

By now everyone was getting points and Fairy Tail was barely getting anything. The Sabortooth guy barely has done anything this whole time. What the hell is he planning. Maybe he's just being stupid, as you might think. No he's very cunning, don't underestimate him. Soon enough everyone was knocked out bybhis memory make powers. Raven Tail was in first place, Sabortooth was second. And we were at the very bottom. What annoyed the crap out of me was why the Raven Tail guy kept attacking Gray. That guy has some issues.

The next part of the day was the battles. The first to go up was Lucy and Raven Tail's Flair. Flair had really crazy hair. Like she make it grow at will and it could catch fire. That was pretty cool and crazy. For a moment in the battle, Lucy couldn't do anything.

"What is she doing?"Someone from the crowd of people asked.

"She had this in the bag. What happened?" I whisper to myself. Flair was burning Lucy with her hair. She was getting pretty hurt out there by now. Flair wouldn't even let her talk. I was still trying to find out the problem. I started to hear thumping from behind me. I turned around and saw Natsu coming towards Asca. That's when I saw Flair's hair treating to grab Asca. No wonder Lucy couldn't do anything. Natsu burned Flairs hair and yelled, "I got you Lucy!" Soon Lucy could battle again. But she was so weak by now. Lucy had lost to Flair. Near the end, Natsu went out to the battle field to get Lucy. I have no clue what they were talking about. I'm all the way up in the seats, how could I hear them.

The next battle was Quattro Cerberus vs. Sabortooth. That didn't last long. The sabortooth guy won. But before them was Ren from Blue Pegasus vs. some web lady from Mermaid Heel. Yeah I really don't by attention to name very well. The final battle was interesting. Mystogan (Jellal) and Jura were battling off. These guys are some powerful mages. But the points went to Lamia Scale. Mystogan couldn't beat Jura. But he did leave some scratchs. That's impressive.

The day was over and we were still left at the bottom. I'm not going to give up home to win this year. We still got four more days to go.

Everyone left the arena wondering what the next day will be like. Our guild went back to the bar. Not even let the day get to them. We just known that we got to do our extra best tomorrow. Of course there are Lucy and Gray wondering what the problem is with Raven Tail. I kind of wonder that, too. But I'm just going to enjoy myself with how drunk everyone was.

Later I left the bar and it was pitch black outside. Well there were a few light lacrimas on, but not a lot. I was just listening to the crickets that were usually making noises at night. It made me feel relaxed. Soon I was attacked, but then I only got a glimpse of who was the attacker. The I saw a figure blocking off the group that attacked me. That was all that I saw till I blacked out.

*OK so here's my plan if I write a short chapter I'll write a second chapter. So you guys aren't left with such a short chapter. But thanks for reading. You're amazing :)*

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