Chapter 14

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The fourth day of the Grand Magic Games was about to begin. Now I saw a lot of Fairy Tail signs. Some of these people are hypocrites. They should decide what to say before they open their mouths. I was talking with team A before the games. I told them what had happened last night, but into more depth this time.

"So now we have to find the guy who protected you from Raven Tail!" Natsu stated.

"Well yeah, that's what I'm planning to do after the games." I said. We carried on talking till five minutes before the games started. I ran to my seat and wait to see what would happen.

There was a huge bubble of water that appeared in the middle of the Arena. All the people who chose to take this round jumped in. There was only one guy who was in the bubble. He was from Quattro Puppy. But he got knocked out of the bubble first. That guild isn't doing well. Soon a lot of the people were getting knocked out. Even Juvia did. The last two were Lucy and Sabortooths Minerva. What happened to the other Celestial wizard girl? Minerva was beating Lucy up worse than Lucy has ever been beaten up. Lucy couldn't do anything , because Minerva took her keys. I wanted to yell out that she was cheat and that Lucy should get a fair fight. But master Makarov gave me a look meaning I shouldn't do anything. The fight did go to fazr though. Soon Lucy was being held out of the bubble by Minerva, after they called off the match. Lucy wasn't even moving. Minerva dropped Lucy and Natsu and Gray ran out to catch her. Everyone went out to the field. Chelia came to help Wendy heal Lucy. Some of the Sabortooth and Fairy Tail members were having a stare down. Sabortooth have smirks upon their faces. I looked everywhere, trying to find Rogue, but I didn't find him. Where is he? All of Fairy Tail had glares upon their faces, all directed at Sabortooth.

Team A and team B were in the nursing room with Lucy, so was I. How could I ever talk to Sting ever again? I mean I guess I could still talk to Rogue. But it would be really awkward. Why on earth would I still talk to Rogue if Stings going to be around him? I hate that guild for almost killing one of my family. This is one reason to beat them in the games. The room was really quiet, no one even wanted to talk. Well it is a good thing that its quiet though.

Soon master walked into the room, "I have something to tell you guys." He said, "The people running the games said we have to merge our two teams."

"What!" yelled Natsu.

"There's an uneven amount of teams since Raven Tail has been disqualified. So we have to mix our two groups." Master said.

"Okay so who's going to be in the new group?" I asked.

"Natsu, Erza, Gajeel, Gray and Laxus." He answered. Everyone seemed to have agreed with this by now. They have all left, but Wendy, Carla and I stayed behind to look after Lucy. She was awake and we all talked for a little bit.

"Those Sabortooth guys need to get a taste of their own medicine. I mean they're really stuck up. Being number one has went straight to their heads." I said, think I was in my mind.

"Well they are competing like us and they do want to win like us as well." Carla said.

"But they took it to far this time. They put Lucy's life in danger. No one puts one of my family members in danger!" I said getting angry.

"Well I'm still here, so calm down Elia. Sure they are jerks, but there could be some nice people in that guild right?" Lucy said. I started to smile, cause I thought of how Rogue wasnt there to see Lucy hurt by Minerva.

"That's a happy face. What do you know Elia?" Wendy asked.

"Oh nothing. Just thought of a good memory of a person I knew a long time ago." I said really happy.

"You guys must have met earlier because I haven't seen you this happy." Wendy said. I started to laugh. They all gave me grins. These guys never seen me so happy before. Maybe its a good thing I saw Rogue after so long.

Later I walked out of the nursing are. Wendy and Carla stayed behind though. I saw a lot of people being taken somewhere for nursing. I had a feeling Natsu was going to fight soon. And no other than Sting would battle him. Same with Gajeel battling Rogue. This is near the time for the double battles. I ran to my seat, because I didn't want to miss out on the battle.

As I expected it, Natsu and Gajeel were battling Rogue and Sting. The fight began with Rogue and Sting beginning with the first punch. What they didn't expect was for Natsu and Gajeel to be quick. Natsu and Gajeel got a few good hits in, but that didn't last long. Sting and Rogue went into the whole shadow dragon, white dragon drive thing. They had weird lights glowing around them, and they became a lot stronger. Rogue became like a shadow and Gajeel couldn't hit him. All the punches went right through Rogues body. I seemed to not have paid any attention to how this happened, but there was a hole in the ground now. And there were screens so we could see the rest of the battle. Natsu and Gajeel seemed to be knocked out. No one expected them stand back up but they did.

"I'm sure going to feel that tomorrow." Natsu says. I smile, yay they're not defeated. Rogue and Sting were shocked, but the Natsu and Gajeel started to yell at one another. It got to a point were Natsu pushed Gajeel into a train cart and it started to move, making Gajeel sick. Natsu turned around with a grin on his face. I couldn't help but laugh, I only got a few stares, but I didn't give a crap. That was freaking hilarious.

Natsu carried on with the fight. Rogue only wanted to fight Gajeel, but Natsu didn't care. The battle went on for a while. Well it's a dragon slayer battle. Natsu had finally beaten Rogue and Sting.

*few hours later*

The fourth day came to a close and it seemed to get really crowded now. Gajeel finally appeared when we went to go check up on Lucy. He told us about this cave where theres a lot of dragon bones. Gajeel took Natsu, Wendy and I to see the skeletons. A few people tagged along with us. Meaning Gray, Erza and Lucy.

My eyes went wide when I saw all the bones.

"What happened here?" I asked no one particular.

"How should I know blondie!" Gajeel yelled.

"I wasn't talking to you." I said calmly. Gajeel grunted.

"Maybe I could use my magic to ask one of the lingering spirits." Wendy said.

"No child, you haven't quite learned that spell yet." Carla says.

"Oh come on Carla have faith that Wendy can do this." I said.

"Fine. If she gets hurt, it's on your shoulder." she said not wanting to fight. Wendy was finally able to conjure up a soul, but this dragon seemed really rude.

"Can you tell us what happened here?" Erza asks

"I don't talk with humans." The emerald dragon said.

"I'm a cat," Happy pointed out.

"Well okay then. It happened over four hundred years ago. People would come here to fight dragons, yet to no prevail. Except one human. He killed millions of us. He bathed in dragons blood. Eventually he got too powerful and because of his strength with dragon slayer magic, he became a dragon himself. His name was . . . Acnologia." The dragon had finally finished his story. Us dragon slayers were shocked. Could that happen to us? Wendy couldn't hold the spirit back any longer. So the spirit had left and we were all silent.

We were now trying to find a way out of this cavern. How did Gajeel get out of here in the first place? I was busy looking for an exit, when everyone came back towards me, but Lucy wasn't with them.

"What happened to Lucy?" I asked.

"We were told to leave," said Erza. That all I got until we got back to the bar. They told everything to Makarov and Mavis. We decided to make a team to get Lucy back from the royal palace. The team consisted of the exceeds, Mira, Natsu, Wendy and I. Juvia will be taking Natsu's place in the games. We would be going at the same time the grand magic games start. Natsu was tied up to a post, while we were discussing this. We didn't want him to go running off. That was one of the hardest nights to sleep.

*thanks for reading guys. I finally have updated. I really hope you like the story so far. You guys are amazing. :)*

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