[1] -Edited-

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Isn't it fun having divorced family's then you're dad happens to meet a woman and the after a year they get married?!

Well welcome to my life.

Moving halfway across the country, Dad doesn't care.

Going into a new home and living there: Dad doesn't care.


"Dad, no" I mumbled as I watched the mover people move things out of our house and into their filthy truck.

"Isla, just corporate with me, now stop being a whiney bitch about it and grab you're stuff" he said lifting boxes and boxes and boxes while putting them outside for the movers.

I rolled my eyes before take a boxes one by one and putting them outside. "Where does this woman live anyways" I said putting a box down.

"Sydney, now we're done let's hit the road boys!" He called while the last box was placed in the truck.

The filthy moving truck.


We pulled up in someone's driveway that had stones for a driveway which is great if I wanna throw them as I have endless stones to throw.

I look out the window and my jaw drops. A mansion?!? No.

I climb out of the car and instantly feel its more warmer here, I see a woman with brown short hair who was actually pretty tall, approach me.

"Hi there! I'm Liz, you must be?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Isla" I barely even heard myself so if she heard she has super powers.

"Sorry sweetie what has that?"

Never mind.

"This is my daughter Isla" my dad said smiling and putting his hand on my should which I brushed off.

"Isla! What a beautiful name!"

Most girls would blush at this point and mumble a 'thanks' or a 'thank you' but I just nodded my head.

"Let me show you you're room and I'll get my boy Luke to help with boxes" she smiled leading me up to the house.

The door was already opened so we just stepped inside, I followed her up some stairs hearing a soft melody of a guitar with a voice singing something I couldn't make out.

"And you're rooms next to Luke's and ours is downstairs so let's go get your clothes and other stuff" she said walking out of my room and entering 'Luke's room'

I felt awkward enough in this house which was making my anxiety rise slowly.

I had a mum but not for long, no siblings, just plain old me. Isla Mariee Sunners.

I grabbed out my pills that 'Stopped' my depression and control my anxiety attacks.

I put one in my hand before tilting my head back and swallowing the pill in one swift movement. I twisted the lid back on and put it behind the back leg of my new queen sized bed.

That basically my room, but with a TV on the wall in front of it, on its left is a walk in wardrobe with a bathroom on the end.

I walked downstairs grabbing a box then taking it up to my room with Liz following behind me the whole time.

We finished around four but I had so much unboxing to do so much sorting out and ugh.

I was taking clothes out of boxes with a voice from the doorway surprised me.

"Hey, I'm Luke you are?" He asked not caring he nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Isla, N-Now go A-Away" I mumbled turning around, he was tall, thin, with blonde hair and big sparkling blue eyes.

"Fine but I'm telling you, don't get close" he hisses then walks out of the room with a smile and a look of 'I never said anything wrong!'


"Luke! Isla! dinner!" Liz called.

I tugged at my hoodie sleeves nervously while making my way out of my bedroom. I walk a bit down the hall walking pasts Luke's door.

Luke swings the door open and shoves me down onto my side near the railing that lead to the stairs.

"Weak" Luke laughs its soon followed by more laughter as I turn my head to see what was most likely Luke's friends.

"She's so weak!" One with faded purple hair laughs even more.

"And she's your sister!" Another one that sorta looked like Luke but with curly hair and hazel eyes says between laughs.

The one with brown hair and dark brown eyes just laughs harder each time.

I let my arm that was holding me up fall as I let my head hit the floor with a loud thud. I heard them walk downstairs before I sprung up and rushed back to the safety of my closet which had a lock on it.

I looked around the dimly lit room till I spot my teddy bear I always cry on and share my feelings and thoughts to.

It was like a therapist with no questions and was on mute.

I take it down from the top shelf and slide into one of the gaps, I cry silently not letting out any sob to give away my place of hiding.

I must of been in there for hours because all I heard was Luke and his friends enter my room.

"Elsa?" One asked.

"We have your food!" Luke called.

I don't want it go away.

"Dude the closest locked" one of the mumbled while jumbling the closet door.

No. Fuck off.

"True but only mum has the key. MUM CAN YOU COME UP HERE!" Luke yelled.

I heard more footsteps walk in, and slight mumbling. I quietly stood up and quickly made my way into the bathroom and quietly lock that door.

Moments later the closet door opened, "well she's not-" before Liz could finish one of Luke's friends yelled: "She's in the bathroom!"

I slid into the cupboards underneath the sink since they were massive, with my luck not being with me the boys piled into the bathroom.

I heard them look behind things until someone opened up the cupboard doors.

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now