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We were locked in a holding cell with half the school taking up cells. The questioned each cell about drugs and alcohol.

"Okay what do you all know?" The cop sighed.

"Someone handed me a drink with five antidepressants molded together." I mumbled.

"Did you drink it?"

"No sir."

He nodded as parents started flooding in with some kids getting dragged out but angry or sad parents. Ashton's mum came over and just hugged him.

"I'm not mad let's go." She waved at us before walking off with Ash.

Calum's mum came and was pretty upset about seeing her baby boy in a holding cell, but took him away.

Most kids had already left, when they started moving kids into other cells as more people were coming in.

"Michael Gordon Clifford!" We heard a woman scold.

"Hi mum."

"Don't 'hi mum' me! We're going home and talking to your father about this!" She somewhat shouted as Michael kissed my cheek and left.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings and Isla Mariee Hemmings explain!" Liz shouted.

"I was nearly drugged."

"I didn't drink anything!"

She glared at us before dragging us both out to the car. "Luke you're my baby, you should be in prison. And Isla, you and your dad will talk about this."

We went back home an there was my dad, a drunk fuming mess.

"Isla fucking Mar-Mariee Sunners!" He yells slurred words.

"Hi Andrew." I smile sarcastically.

"We'll leave you two alone." Liz smiled taking Luke upstairs while my dad took my to the basement.

"I didn't drink anything." I sigh.

He hand meets my cheek and his fist meets my jaw making me stumble back. "Dad what the fuck!" I yell holding my jaw.

"No swearing you bitch!" He yells kicking me in the stomach and punching me in the nose before leaving.

No tear slip out from my eyes, I feel nothing, I just lay there shaking, looking at a blank wall before drifting off to sleep.


I hide all the bruises under makeup and my fresh scares under a black jumper. I kept my head low and didn't speak a word. Most kids were talking about what happened at the party and how the guy who was holding it got arrested.

"Isla, you've been quiet since last night. Are you okay?" Ashton asked.

Luke told him he heard screaming from the basement before it just went silent.

I nod my head and turn to walk into math were Michael and Luke were.

"Isla! I haven't seen you today, are you okay?" Michael asks hugging me.

A sharp pain is felt in my stomach and I wince causing Michael to let go.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry!" He rambles.

"No Mikey you didn't, dad did." I whisper lowly.

"What do you mean dad hurt you didn't he talk it out with you?" Luke asks.

"No everything hurts.." I trailed off as Michael examined my face.

"You have a broke nose. Its more one way then the other." Luke comes over and nods.

"Yeah dad broke your nose."

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now