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"Why the fuck would you talk to Heather?! We've ignored her family for years!" Liz yelled turning around to face Luke, "explain!"

"Well I asked her to bully Isla for a bit and in return I would date her" he said nervously.

Water brimmed my eyes, why would Luke do this?

"Look Isla.." He starts.

"No Luke. Fuck you! Ever since I moved in you wanted me gone! Your friends a complete dicks! Heather is a slutty whore and a bitch of a woman! Fuck this I can't stand you anymore! Just love me like a fucking sister instead of throwing me away!" I.yell, tears now running down my cheeks.

It was getting darker by the.minute.

"Isla?" Liz asks putting her hand on my shoulder

I shrugged her hand of which pained me, I shoved past Luke and ran upstairs and into my room shutting the door behind me.

I found a backpack somewhere deep down in my closet. I packed clothes, toilettes, food, water and stole some money.

I swung the bag over my shoulder and walked downstairs into a quiet surrounding.

I walked into the kitchen and left a note for every individual.

To Dad,

I'm running. Don't look for me. I'm not worth your time anymore. I wish mum was alive. I wish she survived the fucking fire!
-Isla Mariee Sunners.

To Liz,

I'm gonna miss you the most. You were the nicest kindest friendlyest person alive! Never change xx

-Isla Mariee Sunners xx

To Luke,

Fuck you.


I put the notes on the island and quickly ran outside where it was dark. And I mean really dark.

My new life.. Here I come?

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now