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We've been yelling at each other for about an hour before I just hung up out of pure frustration. I hated Luke. He was the worst. He could piss you off within minutes if you had a bad day.

He always pointed out flaws and imperfection. He mostly did this to me just to upset me since my walls are apparently aren't built well enough.

Running my hand through my hair before screaming out of anger and hurt. I was one of those people that if you piss me off I will start crying. I hated it.

Time past, the sun was getting ready to rise. Cars raced past while people were coming out of their houses and into their cars.

I stood up and started heading back home. Running a hand through my hair while constantly wiping under my eyes.


"Luke go away!" I screamed trying to shut the bathroom door but Luke's foot was in the way, "I'm not scared to break you fucking foot!"

"Well explain this!" He yelled back holding up his note I left him.

"I don't know? You fucking got some stuck up slut to bully me then expect me to accept your apology! Why the fuck should I even explain Lucas!?"

"Fucking bitch" he mumbled glaring at me before yelling for Liz.

She came upstairs and Luke played that fucking innocent look. "She hurt my feelings" he said pouting.

"Luke use that damn fucking brain of yours and realise you fucking hurt mine too! You sneaky bastered trying to play the mamas boy act! Fucking stop and open your fucking eyes and respect me and maybe you'll get some fucking back" I yelled running a hand through my hair while the whole time letting out the water works.

"Isla Mariee Hemmings!-" Liz started.

"Its Sunners! I'm not a fucking Hemmings nor will I be" I shouted running into my room and locking the door.

I was a mess. All the fighting and blaming, running away. Just hasn't helped. I slid down the door in floods of tears, sobs, coughs, and being unable to breath before hiccuping.

After awhile I went downstairs and sneaked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka. I needed to drown these thoughts away.

I walked back up to my room and looked in the bedside table, I found a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. I ran quickly out to the backyard.

I opened the door stepping out into the cold air, I heard a moan from my right. Turning my head I dropped everything.

izzy966 wanted me to update and so did fake_smile_2009 so follow then and vote on their stories. Yes there's your star moment of my story now byee.

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now