14. (Using Fetus 5Sos for this story)

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"Wake up you slut!" I heard some slurred words in my ear yell.

I sprung up and saw my dad with his arms crossed over his chest and his face red I swear steam should be coming out of his ears by now.

"I didn't raise you to sleep with fucking guys did I?!" He yells and I stay silent, "Answer me you whore!"


"That's why that bitch of a woman left us! You! All you! She left because she knew you were going to be a fucking slut! Go do us a favour and die." He spat and walked out of the room.

I felt warm tears leave my eyes and down my cheeks for about five minutes I just sat there crying until I felt a pair of arms pull me onto a lap.

"You're none of those things okay?" Michael said softly.

I nodded and went to the kitchen where my pills were and took one with a swig of water. I went back into the lounge and sat on Michaels lap facing him.

"How about we go to Cals place to get away from your dad?" He asks.

I nodded and we went upstairs and told Luke who agreed since my dad had been calling him things as well and we soon set off to Calum's house.


"Luke what's dad been saying to you?" I ask once we're alone on the room he's staying in.

"He called me a toy and a dick and that I slept with different girls as a 'one night stand' type thing. You?" He says.

"Slut, bitch and that my mum left because of me" I whimpered and rested my head on Luke's chest while squeezing him in a tight hug.

"Its okay you have me, Ashton,Michael and Calum forget the bad memories with your dad and remember the good memories with us" he smiled and pulled away from the hug.

I thanked Luke and we went downstairs where they were playing video games and so far Michael was winning.

"Michael you're too good at this game!" Calum and Ashton whined.

Ashton wasn't really playing he was just watching and complaining.

"I don't care!" Michael yelled playfully with a stupid smile on his face.

Me and Luke watched from the behind the couch until the game ended and we yelled 'boo' which scared the shit out of all of them.

"I hate you" Ashton groaned.

Michael and Calum said nothing for a moment before we all suddenly became best friends again.

"Who's up for and ICarly Marathon!" Calum cheered.

We all sighed but watched in anyways. I sat next to Michael and by the end of the first four episodes we were somehow cuddling.



"I'm sorry Isla but mummy's leaving now" a single tear rolled down her cheek as she stood up fully and walked out of the house.

I was so confused... Where was she going?

-Couple years later-

"Okay class so its Mums Career day tomorrow so don't forget to ask your mums to bring along information about what they do!" Our teacher said happily.

I went home after the bell rang, "dad where's mum?" I asked looking up at him.

"Isla...." He rubbed the back of his neck, "your mums never coming back" he left the room in silence.

-End Of Flashback.-

I woke up in tears and feeling extremely hot that I could possibly die, no one else was awake so I went to the kitchen to grab my pills.

I swallowed two and felt dizzy and light headed that I forced myself to sit down and try to concentrate on a single tile.

The dizziness faded and I made my way back to where Michael was, but Luke was sitting up with his eyes red and tear trails on his cheeks.

"Mum dream?" he asked

I simply nodded.

"That one time where we had to bring our mums for career day. That day was shit as fuck. No one understood why I came alone but the teacher did but all I could do was cry, mum was too 'busy' at work that she simply couldn't talk to a small class for about ten minutes then leave." I said.

"I got judged." He said "for not having a dad when everyone else did but Michael, Ashton and Calum's dads treat me like I'm their own son."

Luke said goodnight a few moments later and fell asleep quickly where as I just cuddled under the blanket me and Michael were sharing.

(A/N I'm using fetus 5Sos because they are cute as shit xD but their still 18 and stuff just thought I would say that)

I pushed some of his hair that had fallen on top of his eyes out of his face and kissed his nose before falling asleep.

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now