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I S L A couple days later.

I open my eyes a little, but end up them getting sore from a bright light and white. A load of white.

I open my eyes full and adjusted to the brightness. I look around and huff. The Hospital yay. Sarcasm noted.

I look around for people but see no one which leads me to loudly sigh. I got bored easily waiting for someone to walk through that door.

After an hour of watching the door a nurse dressed in blue walks in, "Oh good. You're awake" she says warmly smiling.

"How long was I sleeping for?" I mumble.

"Three days sweetheart" she said as her smile dropped a little.

"Did anyone visit me?" I ask biting my bottom lip. Sadly she shakes her head and changes a few things and hands me an apple.

Once she shuts the door I silently let tears out chocking back on any sob trying to escape my mouth.

I was alone on this.


I was discharged hours later. Feeling the need to walk home to clear thoughts I thought about too deep.

I walk into a park where children are smiling and laughing while the parents sit back and watch. I felt a tear slide down my cheek but quickly wipe it away.

I get home in under an hour, slowly opening the front door I'm meet with two angry parents. But believe me I'm more pissed off then them. And then there's Luke behind them rubbing the back of his neck.

"My daughter decided it would be a great idea to kill herself?!" My dad snaps and making his face grow red.

"Well darling you will be put on watch until you can be responsible" Liz growls.

"Well" I start, feeling my blood boil, "Where were you when I was in the hospital for three days?! not even one of you even came to visit me! So put me under watch and I'll try and kill myself again! Take me off watch I'm leaving and living on my own!" I yell in angered tears.

"Isla..." My dad starts.

"Save it!" I yell, "your my own fucking father yet you don't even care about me! Luke I thought you cared as well be obviously not"

"I do though, I didn't visit you because Heather found out and she kept me at her house" he scrunches his nose, "her barbie like house"

"Heather Pilcher?" Liz says, glaring at Luke.


Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now