3 -Edited-

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Sorry for not updating my teacher have us fuckton of homework and she gave it to us on Tuesday and wants it handed in on Friday :-: sorry.

"What do you mean you don't have time for this!" Luke snapped dropping me to the ground.

"No one ever has time for you Luke. You just make girls like me feel like shit. Now get out!" I growl picking myself up and putting the pills on the bedside table.

"You'll be sorry for this Isla" he says lowly.

"I'm not scared of you Hemmings" I laugh back.

"You will be" he growls before we walk out to Liz who called dinner.


"Isla eat" my dad says sternly.

"No thanks" I whisper looking down at my plate of food then back up at everyone else who was looking at me.

"Isla just eat the damn fucking food" Luke spits then takes another mouth full of steak.

"Don't speak to me like that please Lucas" I smirk as he freezes.

Suddenly a white ball of mashed potato's hit my square in the face going up into my hair and started making its way down my shirt.

I hear Luke and my dad roar with laughter as I sat there covered in gooey mess.

"Fuck you guys!" I scream standing up before running upstairs and into the bathroom where I locked the door before sinking down onto my knees and letting the tear drown me.


"Isla open the door!" Luke yells pounding on the bathroom door.

"Fuck off" I mumble loud enough.

"I hope you die in there bitch" he snaps.

I let out a loud cry and I grab my blade out of its hiding spot.


I press the cold metal up to my wrist and swipe it along. I do this a couple times before hiding my blade and wash the blood off my wrist.

I unlock the door and stumble out into the almost quiet hall way. By almost I can hear Luke singing and playing his guitar.

My legs feel weak as I crumble down onto the carpet landing face first into yet another fit of loud sobs and cries.

"Shut up" Luke's voice yells from his doorway, "you cry like a baby. come on, grow up"

I stand up again and sniff while wiping the last of my tears away, "that's better now come here." He smiles pointing to in front of him.

"No I'm tired" I croak rubbing my eye.

"Fine make me walk" he mumbles walking over, "come here you sleep and I'll softly sing you a song?"

"No Luke. You've done enough damage and nothing will make up to it" I spit walking past and into my room.

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now