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Its been a week since Isla landed in hospital, I'm not eating or sleeping much anymore. I think Mikey's done the same as we've both gone completely mute and gotten thinner.

Ashton and Calum tried to be happy and cheer us up, but behind their faces was the pain from the coma Isla was in and that their two best friends won't talk, eat or sleep.

We go to see her everyday for an hour, I told her I don't eat or sleep. She's the only person to hear me speak nowadays.

"Luke, please eat something." Ashton said looking down at my stomach and how my bones were much more visible.

I shook my head no.

"Please Luke, I miss you. The happy you." He sounded like he was about to cry and this made me want to burst into tears, "I miss you and Mikey, its not the same with only me and Cal. I'm still here for you Luke we're brothers." He let tears stream down his face as I bursted in loud cries.

He hugged me as Calum walked in with him seeing us broke him and behind him was a broken Michael who cried with us.


Their laid Isla in the same position as yesterday, Michael rushed forward and grabbed her hand and gently stroked her knuckles.

Its only been a week and I've never seen someone so lifeless, so pale, so cold to touch. I wanted her to wake up and force me and Mikey to eat and sleep and talk so everything would be normal again.

"Luke, she's doing okay, see she's not as pale as yesterday." Ashton pointed out.

Michael muttered something a kissed her forehead while he blinked away tears.

"What if she wakes up next week?" I croak out.

"I'll be the happiest person alive." Ashton smiled.

"I would faint out of happiness." Michael's voice was cracking and his accent was deep.

"I would smile too much that it would hurt and my mouth would permanently stay like that. What about you Lucas?" Calum says.

"I would protect her from her father and stay by her side while we can all find an apartment together, we're all old enough." I mumble out.

They all smile, "let's do that."

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now