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"Islaaaa" Michael groaned drawing out my name.

"Yes?" I said focusing on the movie that was playing.

"I'm cold"


"Cuddle?" He said trying to sound like Calum from a keek Calum made.

"Fineee" I sighed and laid my head on his chest with him wrapping his arms around me.

He Nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck as we watched countless episodes of spongeBob, I pressed my back up more against Michaels chest and his grip tightened in a protective way.

After 4 hours of spongebob Michael got 'bored' so he started hissing my shoulder, neck and jaw and left a few hickeys on my shoulder and one on my neck.

"Michaelllllll" I said drawing out his name.

He hummed in response but kept kissing my shoulder and jaw.

"This is meant to be a spongebob marathon not 'I'm bored so im going to kiss your neck and jaw',okay?" I said flipping over to face his little innocent face.


"Michael, no don't start or I won't let you cuddle me anymore or even touch me" I grinned.

"You suck."

"And you swallow" I smirked back and turned to face the TV where spongebob was still playing.

"Since you said that" he started biting my neck and sucking in multiple different places.

"Michaellllllllll" I whined smacking his head which made he unconnected his lips from my neck.

"Did you give me any?"

"Like three"

"Fuck youuuuuu"

We still cuddle through the night just talking and laughing though my anxiety has started coming back because of nightmares and flashbacks I would get so I had to get a new bottle of pills and take one every time I felt like I was gonna have anxiety attack.

It meant everything to me when the boys understood what to do when this happens and only take me out if I'm willing to go or just take my pills with me in a backpack.

Michael started kissing my neck and jaw again after a couple minutes he stopped and fell asleep with his head Nuzzled into the crook of my neck, I fell asleep shortly after.

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now