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"Isla just go kill yourself." My dad snarled.

He was yet again drunk and telling me to kill myself which I was considering since a few girls that we went to highschool with were blackmailing me shit.

"Fine, lose the death of mum and me." I say with a smile but tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

I run upstairs and grab a bottle I hid fro Luke and Liz, I took out one and swallowed it dry before one more and swallowed it dry before the finally one.

I placed it on my tongue and swallowed.

The room began spinning and everything was going black until I forced myself to lay down and pass out.


I felt this little sting in my brain the it just felt like something was utterly wrong and it was bad. Michaels face went into confusion as I think he for the same feeling.

"Does anyone feel like something's wrong?" I asked as all three nodded.

"I'm going home." I muttered as they all followed me home.


The house was quiet, but we suddenly heard loud screams from my mum. We bolted upstairs and there it was.

Isla, passed out on the floor.


"Liz and Luke Hemmings." A doctor called as we rushed over to him.

"Sadly she's in a coma, we estimate 3 months but we may be incorrect, I'm sorry." He sadly smiled before walking away.

I felt numb, my knees gave in as my lanky figure fell to the ground with tears escaping my eyes nonstop.

"Luke, buddy? You okay?" Calum asks quietly as I hear them all walk over.

"Michael you may want to join me on the tiles as you won't like the news either."

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now