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I go back into the house and storm out the front door and just sit in the middle of the driveway and scream. I managed to grab my Anxiety Pills before I slammed the door.

I wanted to end this.


I threw off the lid and poured pills into my open shaking palm. Cars headlights started coming up our driveway and Michael jumped out of the back and tackled me in to hug with tears also streaming down his face.

He moved us onto the grass so Ashton could park his car but he also ran over some pills I had dropped.

Michael took my hand with the pills, he picked one up and threw away in the grass, Then another and another until there were only one remaining in my hand.

"You can throw it at the grass or swallow it...Its your call" he whispers laying his head on my shoulder.

I threw it at the grass.

That made him smile, we stood up and starting heading inside where the rest of the boys were and that blonde slut.

"I'll be in my room. But thanks" I smile slightly, he nods in response. I kiss his cheek and go upstairs into my cave of darkness.

Anxiety Pills. //L.H// ✔ -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now