Chapter 1

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On Top Of The World: Imagine Dragons

Secrets: OneRepublic

Ro's POV

The first day of school was finally here, no matter how much I tried to avoid this place, it was inevitable when your own brother ran the damn place and your parents were on the board. Blue River Institute had been our family's school of choice since it had opened many years ago. Originally it was a castle some rich guy built for his fiance, when she passed away before their wedding, the guy went crazy and murdered a bunch of people. Or so legend has it. That's the story the thirteenth years tell the ninth years when they move into the new dorms.

This place is more like a boarding school where parents dump their kids at around five years old. Instead of dividing our school experience into elementary, middle, high school and college, it's all thrown together in one massive, annoying clump. I tried to leave when I was sixteen, but my brother guilt tripped me into staying, because it was my parents wish and our younger siblings needed me. Ethan had a habit of using our siblings against us, he knew I would do pretty much anything when it came to them.

My parents were another story. I hadn't seen much of them since they had dropped me off fifteen years ago. Even before that, I don't remember them ever being affectionate and when we did get breaks and we were allowed to be home, we were mostly taken care of by a nanny while they went off to do whatever it is they do. Eventually I decided not to even go back during the summer since we were more than welcome to stay the entire year. There was no point in going home if all your parents did while you were there was leave for days at a time to "work". I honestly don't know what they do for a living, except that they are on the school's board along with some of the other parents.

My dorm room was on the highest floor, which was thankfully equipped to be like a small apartment with a living room, kitchen and two bathrooms. It was another compromise my brother made with me in his efforts to keep me here. Which to be honest I didn't mind. I mean, sure it was a little bratty on my part, but if I had to be held here against my will, might as well be comfortable.

I got my bag ready as I waited on my sister Calliope and my best friend Ron to arrive for breakfast. My brothers, Gabe and Collin usually joined us, but today was their first day of football practice so, they weren't going to join us until the season was over. Ethan hardly ever joined us anymore, since he had meetings and things to do and never really had time to spend with us. Hence his insistence on my being here for our younger siblings.

Ron was also like a brother to all of us, I had met our first year here and quickly became best friends. His parents were also on the school board, and when they past away during our second year, my parents took him in and he basically became part of our family. I didn't know until later on that they had actually adopted him.

After I had finished getting my belongings in order, I proceeded to make our breakfast and set the small table for three. Since it was the first day of school and I had gotten up extra early, I had enough time to make a full blown breakfast with eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage and fruit. By the time I was flipping the last pancake onto a ready plate, there was a loud knock on my door followed by another knock until I could distinguish two different sets of hands knocking erratically.

"Ronald, it's open," I yelled, knowing it was him and my sister. Only they were that annoying together.

Seconds later, my front door burst open with good mornings and laughter filling the room. It was incredible how I had managed to go so many years without murdering either one of them. They had a tendency of driving me insane, on purpose, especially when they were together. I could swear that they had some sort of pact going to mess with me until one of them finally made me crack.

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