Harry's Journal

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(external link to this playlist at the bottom or here is the link just in case)


Make Me Like You- Gwen Stefani: She is so annoying. I don't know why I feel this way, but I just realized that I like her. As much as I'm sure we both piss each other off, I like her. I have for a long time and I know she likes me, she's said so, but I don't know how I feel about that. It took me this long to realize it, but now that I have, I'm just confused and even more annoyed, but I know I did the right thing by taking her to, Zayn and making those necklaces, even if she doesn't want anything to do with me, I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if something ever happened to her.

Superhuman- Chris Brown: I can't describe this. It's like every time I'm near her, I get this sudden jolt of energy and a rush that makes me feel like I can do anything. It scares me whenever I see the little spark between us. I haven't been able to admit it out loud or to myself even, but here in the comfort of my writing, I think it's okay to say it.

This can't be happening. It's never happened before to anyone, it's just an urban myth, but I think I'm seeing a spark, an actual literal white spark whenever we touch that only subsides when we stay connected long enough. I wonder if she feels it too or if it's just me since I have the power. But, it's impossible, this is only supposed to happen to royals who have powers and who are soulmates. As far as I know, such a thing doesn't exist anymore.

Whatever this is, it feels like I'm addicted. I enjoy the feeling and I enjoy having her here in my arms, not caring about anything else going on around us. I don't even mind the stupid pink elephant that has taken residence between us. She clings to it like it's her lifeline, I'll have to ask her about it.

The Hills- The Weeknd: I made a mistake in leaving her to go with, Lily, but I was hoping being with someone else would erase her from my mind. After I realized she was missing the birthmark, my mind was on the fritz and I didn't know what to think, I figured I was just horny and confused my liking her with just wanting to get her in bed, but like always, I was wrong. The regret I felt after was enough to prove that.

She wasn't, Dallas, no one was. I could fuck hundreds of girls, but it wouldn't take this feeling I had away. I'm so stupid.

I'm an idiot. I could of had her if I wanted, but even if I hadn't found out about the birthmark, I probably would have stopped our actions. The more time I spend with her, I see more of her and how different she is from what I originally thought. All I know is Lily was the wrong way to go about this, I should have learned that the first time around. Now I'm going to have to deal with her clinginess. I just hope, Dallas doesn't find out...

Tired of Being Alone- Al Green: Well, she found out. I hadn't expected her to show up to class today, so to say I was surprised when I saw her is an understatement. With the amazing luck I had, Lily showed up, pretending she hadn't seen, Dallas, divulging what we had just done. I'd never felt so ashamed of having sex in my life. I tried to go after her, but I had no idea where she's gone. I'm just going to wait outside her dorm and wait for her to show up.

Pain- Three Days Grace: Ugh! I've been sitting here for two hours, waiting for her to show up and she's ignoring my texts. Of course she is, you idiot, you fucked up. I know I did, I just need a chance to explain myself.

Fuck it, I'm done.

Should've Kissed You- Chris Brown: Great, now, Zayn has graced us with his presence. I still don't trust him. Fuck. I never thought I'd say this, but I actually miss, Dallas. I even miss the way she's so fucking annoying. I don't get this. What's wrong with me? This is so easy, or at least it's supposed to be. I guess I just get nervous whenever I'm around her, I don't know what to do with myself. I want her and she wants me, even though she probably doesn't anymore. Romance sucks, I'm never going to fucking get this right.

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