Chapter 27

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Welcome To The Jungle: Guns N' Roses

Honest: Kodaline

I Try: Macy Gray

Ro's POV

It had been a few days since we had come back to school. Normal classes hadn't resumed yet, since the attacks were still, "under investigation", but now that I knew the truth, I along with the rest of my siblings and the, One Direction guys had to start learning everything about beings, Independents.

It was mainly long days of tossing everything we knew about, The Council out the window and learning things, "the correct way". Sure, I trusted my family, but both sides claimed to be doing things the right way and for all we knew, we were the ones that were wrong.

I tried to keep that theory a possibility, but by the way the guys reacted to certain information, it was clear to see that they were kept in the dark about a lot of things. Technically, they were at the same level of education I was when it came to this stuff.

The only thing I actually enjoyed about these lessons was the mandatory training that came along with it. Ethan had made me train the guys since they really had no training whatsoever aside from a few boxing training, which wasn't even done correctly. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about doing this, because not only was my stage fright attacking me, but I still had to deal with, Harry keeping his eyes on me at all times. He didn't even try to pretend to look away when I caught him, he just smirked like he was, God's gift to mankind.

He spent most of his time talking shit as well. There wasn't anything I did that he didn't criticize, the only thing that stopped him was when, Liam reminded him that I was a princess, which only pissed me off even further. I didn't like being treated differently and as the days went by, I noticed that everyone's attitude towards me were different. I didn't feel like I was me anymore. I was just some pawn in someone's game and it was driving me insane.

Up until last week, I had no idea about who I was in reality. All I knew was that I was a normal nineteen year old at a boarding school with all her siblings, the best friends I could ever ask for and a new group of friends that were pretty much normal aside from the fact that they had disclosed the little bit of information about them having powers, but other than that, I was pretty normal. Now it was like I was some fragile thing that needed to be protected at all costs, it was disgusting.

Since, Harry was the one that proved to be the most difficult when it came to training, Mason made it mandatory for us to stay an extra hour to train every single day. I had spent the first few days just kicking his ass, not even giving him a chance to defend himself or teaching him properly. Sure, it was petty, but I needed to unleash some pent up stress and he was just there. He was technically the cause for most of my stress anyway, he might as well be useful in helping me get rid of it.

"Alright, I think we've had enough for today," Harry let out through his heavy pants, hunching over to catch his breath.

I crouched down to stretch my legs, chuckling a bit. "We just started, stop being a big baby."

"I'm not being a big baby, you're just being an asshole."

"Takes one to know one," I shrugged, standing back up again.

I walked off the mat, taking a sip from my water bottle when I felt a tight grip on my waist pulling my back and shoving me back onto the mat. By the sudden static shock I had felt, I knew it was, Harry. Before I could land on my ass, I kicked my leg back followed by the rest of my body, allowing me to do a back flip and land properly on my feet.

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