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Okay now this is my second fanfiction about my one and only (cough GLITCH cough) and I really hope people will like this one, if you don't have anything nice to say about my story, please don't say anything. I would really apreciate it. If you have any thoughts for either of my stories, just shoot me a message and I will get back to you :) If you are a guy feel free to read but my types of fanfictions are more for girls :) Here you go, the first part. 

Thanks my wonderful cupcakes

<3 Cupecake78


  The Prologue:

You are a stay at home type of girl.You are 13 years old.  You aren't like the rest of the people. You have parents who are never home so you can't talk to anybody about your problems. The only way you can let out your feelings is through dance. And since you have an xbox and all 4 Dance centrals, your favorite character you dance with makes all your troubles go away.  Your always being bullied at school because of how you look with your red , rectangle glasses and edgy style, no one likes different. You also get made fun of because of your name. It seems rather ordinary but you are the only person with the name Issy in your entire STATE!  You don't have any friends so you eat with your teacher that gives you a ride to school everyday from your house. Once you go home you do all four subjects of your homework in about 1 hour(since you are in 8th grade) . You always have straight A's. That's why everyone calls you a nerd, geek, loser, other words you don't want to say. You get pushed against a locker almost everyday because you wear the same shoes all week or something stupid like that, or you find mean notes in your locker about you say how much of a B*T*H you are and how much every one hates you and how you have no friends. Once you get home (since you don't do any sports besides dance at a different place in town once a week) you have too much time to spare. You turn on your xbox and even though you know your favorite character Glitch isn't real, you still talk about your problems to your tv screen. He only says his usual quotes to respond back to you. "Don't get too hot now, you'll burn up the system."  You sigh and slowly fall asleep after you play for 3 hours until 6:00 at night when you take a shower, eat dinner, and go to bed with no one else with you. Then your day repeats, wake up, go to school, come home (alone), shower, eat, go to bed, repeat. But one day things don't go as your usual schedule is. Starting with waking up........

Hey guys, I really hope that you enjoy this book because even though I am currently writing my first fanfiction, I still hope that you will read that one too. :D Thanks guys Please read some more of my first fanfic, 

Thank you my wonderful cupcakes



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