I'll Never Tell (Pt. 2)

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Chapter 15: I'll Never Tell (Pt. 2)

Glitch's Pov

I was sobbing in my room the rest of that night. I couldn't bear the last moment I saw her, with a fearless strike, but yet anger and scared all in one. She went to save.... me. I couldn't ask for anything more. And the last time I saw her, was with a helpless face, trying to keep someone out of her house. Her own house. Well basically her parents house, but that's not the point. The point is that I could've done something but I didn't and now she's gone. I sobbed into my pillow for the 500 millionth time today until someone knocks on my door. 

"*sniff* go away" I cry into my pillow. I then hear the door creak open. "Mo! How many times do I have to tell you?! I HATE it when ANYONE sees me cry-" I froze in my track as I saw Issy poking her head inside the room. 

"Awe, you missed me that much?" She put her hand on her hip and chuckled. I had to blink a couple times and I shook my head and thought I was having hallucinations. I closed my eyes for like a whole 3 seconds. Opened them back up. Nope, she's still there. Just then, 

"ISSY!" I attacked her into a hug. She hugged back as I hugged her tighter. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I hugged her longer. We both released as I see tears down her cheeks. I wipe away hers as she wiped away mine. We both laugh a little as I take her hands. "Issy, I thought I lost you. And I never got to tell you, that I-"

"Hey G, didja hear that Issy's back. Oops, forgot to mention it, but now that you guys had your little crying slash hugging fest, they need us back in HQ now. like as in NOW now. " I drop my shawty's hands and leave the room. She follows right in my footsteps all the way to headquarters. 

"We got an issue. " Rasa starts. "Tan just started his invasion of Dance Central, beginning to take innocent people off the streets to train them for his army. We gotta bust in there now before it's too late for those innocent people's lives at stake. Alright, Hi-def, Riptide, and Issy. You will be sent to Tan to fight back. I want Issy having all the solos and the crews taking Issy for each song. She seems like a pro. Alright , we got this all under control. Leftovers! We need all hands on deck, Flash, stay on lookout, we need a patrol incase Tan tries to break in. Lu$h , you are on street duty, make sure, no innocent by-passers get captured. Do whatever it takes. Keep the people safe. Lima and I will stay at the computers. We all clear?!" 

"Yes sir!" We all say in unison. So us, riptide, and Issy jump through the  time travel portal and reach Tan's soon to be kingdom. 

"Well, I thought you'd never join the party. So sad all these people are being taken away from their pity homes, including YOUR PARENTS!" Tan hissed at Issy. Tan had 2 people, one a guy and the other a girl. Issy's eyes widened. 

"MOM! DAD! You are so going down Tan!" She shouted. 

"Shall we begin?" Tan gestured to his pity, cold, hard dance floor. Here goes. Issys face was indescribable besides hate. Pure and utter Hate. 


OMG I am SO sorry this chapter is SOOOO short. I will make the next chapter wayyyy longer. Sorry for the short chapter again. I feel bad but I did my best and I HAVEN'T FINISHED MY HOMEWORK AND I NEED TO FINISH!!! But I love wattpad too much to let it rest so now up till midnight i goooo!!!!! 

Thanks my wonderful cupcakes 

<3 cupEcake 78

(The only reason I capitalize the E on my username is because cupecake is spelt with 2 E's !!!! Please spell it right?!!!!!!!) 

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