The new and old

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Chapter 6:The new and old

Issy's POV

I fall asleep, hanging off of Glitch's shoulder because I've been non-stop dancing for the past 4 hours, without the slightest bit of food or water. I think I was just dehydrated. Once Glitch put me down, I was sure I was asleep but I was morely dozing with my eyes closed, so I heard everything they were talking about, but what I don't understand is why they would want me , out of all people in the world. But I'm glad I don't get to stay. I really just want to go home. Once I heard Glitch scream something, I forgot what but I heard It, I sat straight up, with my eyes half open. He then walked over to me and told me that we should head to bed. I raised my arms since I didn't want to walk and he picked me up normally, like the opposite of a piggy-back ride style. I don't know what to call it. He carried me all the way back to the room. I remember being carried into an unfamiliar room of the suite. That was when I fell asleep.

I wake up to a dark room. I'm curled up in a ball, freezing , but yet in a warm way as I feel heat next to me. I then felt the squishy-ness of the object under me to realize I was in a bed. I slowly open my eyes to see black. It was a fuzzy black, like soft. I then poke the soft black thing to reveal a very hard, yet squishy thing in, or behind it. I slowly rise my head away from the soft, black stuff to realize, it was a shirt. The shirt smelled really good so I went right back into it. It was so comfortable. So comforting. Wait, who was wearing the shirt? This person apparently had his(or her i really don't know yet) hands around my waist, holding me close. i hear soft snores coming from the person. I then look up to the face and scream.

"AHHH!!!" I then back away as Glitch falls off the bed, screaming along with me. He then gets right back up and looks at me.

"What are you screaming for?!"


"Duh! You needed a place to sleep! The other place was apparently being used for something so yea." I then punch his arm hard. Yeah. I was NOT going to play all nice-nice with him anymore! "OWCH! WHAT THE HECK! IT WAS MO'S IDEA ANYWAYS!" He screeched. I then pull him close to my face , holding the top of his shirt, which was REALLY soft btw and said to him with an angry look on my face, 

"Do not let this happen with out me know EVER again. " He shook his head vigorously as his eyes grew wider. I then shoved him off as i went into the bathroom and took a shower. I was in the middle of my shower when I hear the door open. 

"Uhm whose in here?" I ask to the stranger in the bathroom, not looking out of the bathroom curtain. No reply. I then peek out of the shower curtain to reveal no one there. just some clothes and a note. I quickly rinse my body and get out of the shower. I grab the towel i got from the closet there and wrapped it around me, my hair soaking wet as I scoot over to where the note was. It read

 Hey Issy,

Kinda figured you needed clothes so we got some for you, everything you needed. Yep, when I write everything I mean EVERYTHING! Not to be all ,"I know this stuff " but.......okay this shouldn't be awkward when you get out and read this . -Glitch

Oh my god. Glitch came in the bathroom, while I was taking a shower?! Nope, not awkward or weird in anyway. I then scooted over to my pile of clothes then it just got way weirder when I saw a sports bra, purple underwear and a really cute outfit all my size. Okay I LOVE this outfit. It's basically my style all the way except I wouldn't want to wear jeans :D(A/N : Guys, she won't have that bag w/ it just sayin')

 It's basically my style all the way except I wouldn't want to wear jeans :D(A/N : Guys, she won't have that bag w/ it just sayin')

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I put the new clothes on along with the other things and then brushed my hair out and parted it just right. I then walk out of the bathroom and I hear footsteps coming my way, but no one was in the hallway. I then go towards the sound. Turns out, I went the wrong way... I then got lost in the gigantic suite and now, I am standing, in Glitch's room, with his shirt off, and his hair not gelled up. AHH! My worst nightmare come true. Although I did like the sight of his abs.Man! He was really well built, DAMN! I think I actually started to drool, but I don't like him like that. GRR! Why do I let my mind take over for 5 seconds?!!!!! While I'm lost in my thoughts I forgot what I was in there for. I the come back to earth and me still frozen in place Glitch starts, 

"Oh hey Issy, what's goin on? You look great." He gestured to my outfit.

"Oh, yea. Wait who got me these clothes? And how did you know my size?" I then sneeze,"AHH-choo" the second half of it was like a kitten, Glitch just laughed at that. 

"Awe! That's so cute! Anyways we had some friends stay over last night and I asked them for help." Just then a dark skinned girl comes walking in the room looking about our age, wait! OMG! Lil' T? she then turns around and gushes over my outfit.

"OMG! You look SOOOO good! Glitch! You described her as Tomboyish , that is a TOTAL understatement. SHE FREAKIN GORGEOUS!" He then raises one of his eyebrows," OH you know what I meant!"

"Oh well thanks, you are Lil' T i'm guessing, sorry I haven't used you much in the game, I used to when I first played the second dance central, but then I got hooked on Glitch, sorry. Oh and How did you know my clothes size? Just wonderin..." She then laughed a little before answering, 

"Oh hunny, lemme tell you somethin, I only helped pick out the outfit! Glitch knew the size!" She then fell on her back, holding her stomach , dying of laughter. I like this girl. I then looked at Glitch who had his crew look on and he cheeks burning up with embarrassment, 


"Oh just WAIT till you hear how he got them. " Lil' T then gets off the floor and opens her mouth to talk but it then gets shut my Glitch's hand as he pushes her out of the room.

"Alright that is enough for today!"

"ow tway," T then waves to me as Glitch closes the door in her face.

"Glitch, how did you know my size?!" I ask sternly. He then sighs as he answers me. 

"W-w-well when I was carrying you I kindasortasawthetagcomeoutofyourpantsandshirtandImsorryforsnoopingpleasedonthurtme!" AWE! That was adorable! My legs then walk over to him, I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. I then wrap my hands around his neck, Okay now I know what I'm doing but PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! His hands then snake around my waist,  hehe it kinda tickles, ahh no STOP IT!!!! Listen me, we cant let this happen yet!!! Actually AT ALL !!!MAKE IT STOP!!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!  I then play with the back of his head as I look up at him.  YEAH! I know, he's SOO freakin' cute now get a hold of yourself and STOP IT!!!! He then pulls me closer to him. He then leans down towards my face as I get on my tippy-toe and do the same. Issy please don't do this again! Remember the last guy! That memory made me stop. Before he could say anything, I went nose-to-nose with the guy and said to him, 

"I'm sorry, just I have some bad memories with the last one." I say as I try to hold back some tears. The last guy you dated was a total jerk and a WASTE of your time. UGH! He forced you to do stuff you didn't want to do like make-out for 10 minutes, go in his room (don't worry , you're still a virgin) and hangout doing stuff you hated. All of that time and he ended up leaving you because he was using you the entire time for the popular, cool cheerleader Karly.I was basically being used just to be thrown away like I was trash. Then once I started to stick up for myself at the end of our relationship he got pretty abusive. I can not have that happen again. I then could feel a hot tear burning down my cheek. 

"I-I I'm sorry Glitch." I then look down as I take a step back, still close to him. He then lifted my chin so I could look at him, my eyes open wide as I try my best not to sob as I look back into his emerald eyes. 

"It's okay. Y-you don't have to tell me Issy. Come here." He then opened his arms for me and I accepted them. I went into his soft , colorful shirt, sobbing into his chest as he placed his head on top of mine. He took me into a tight embrace that was warm and soothing to me. T then came in and said to us, 

"AWE! You two are too much! Say cheese!" A flash then came to my back. I turn around to see T with a green phone pointed at us . My eyes all red and watery. I look up at Glitch to be look back at me. He just ingnored T as he said to me, 

"I got chu shawty. I won't let anything happen to you." His voice was so calming to me. He snaked his hands around my waist as he pulled me close and I went back into his arms. 

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