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Chapter 18: Taken

Glitch's POV

"Glitch, WAKE UUUUP!!!!!!!" I hear. I scream and fall off my bed. 

"WHo what?" I say with one eye open. I then see my shawty laughing. 

"Good Morning." She says. I look over to my clock. It's 5:30 in the morning. 

"Why are you here so early?" 

"Wanted to see you before school. Don't you have school?" 

"I'm a video game. I don't have to go to school. " I groan as I jump back into bed. 

"Oh wow. Love you too." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. 

"Sorry , I'm cranky in the morning. " I stand back up an embrace and I pull her into a kiss. She's only a few inches shorter than me so I don't have to bend down too much. 

"Okay, I have to leave for my bus soon. Did you hear? I made it into a tech school. "

"What is that?" 

"It's a type of high school that has cool stuff like culinary, which is baking or cooking. Or Graphic design which is like designing the DCI logo and stuff like that. Like billboards. We switch from that week then to a week of english and math and stuff like that. Understand?" I nod my head at the complicated school. That sounds cool though. But so early. Eww. 

"well since you woke me up, you want breakfast here?" I ask. 

"Okay. Since you offered. Got any corn flakes?"

"Cornflakes? You like one of the plainest cereals? What a loser." I laugh as she lightly punches my arm.

"Jerk. " She says to me. I laugh as I brush my teeth. My hair is in my face since I didn't gel it yet. "Hey, your hair is kinda cute down. You should grow it out. Kinda like how it is in Spotlight." I thought about it. 

"Well, maybe, but I know it's gonna happen sometime or another because the spotlight game is apparently my future. And Aubrey is gonna still be there. " I grunt. I pull out a bowl and hand Issy the Cornflakes. I take out an apple as I cut into slices. I eat it piece by piece slowly as Issy chomps down her food. She was kinda cute doing it though. 

"How is the people at your school? Will they be different? Will Karly still be there?" I begin to fume at the memories of that little cat eating, devil monster that breathes out fire, with claws . Issy laughs at this. 

"Oh Karly? Yea I remember her. She got expelled after Tan left. It was SO funny. Now everything is pretty cool. Me and Gordon still have our movie nights. I didn't really make any new friends. I still have my study halls in my secret hideout. But yeah that's been my life. You?" I glare at her. 

"You still hang out with that guy?" I growl under my breath as she answers. 

"Yes, is there a problem with that? 

"Um yea, who knows what he could try to pull. All I'm saying shawty is that your mine as since I'm not there with you all the time to show people that, they could try and take you away from me. " 

"ooo.. sounds like you're a little jealous. " I blush at this.

"N-no I'm not." I cross my arms. OF COURSE I AM! What does she expect from me? To have no worries?! HAS SHE LOST HER MIND!?

"Yes you are. Just don't worry about anything. I won't let them take me into their possession. I promise. You can trust me. I love you. Okay? I gotta go though. It's almost 6:15. I love you." She leans over to me I give her a kiss. 

"Those lips are mine. " I say as she chuckles out of the suite. 

Issy's POV

I chuckle at Glitch being so jealous. He's just so cute. I ask Rasa to take me back so I could make it to my first day of school on time. Oo I didn't even show you my outfit. It looks like this, (below)

I see the bus pull up the the beginning of my driveway

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I see the bus pull up the the beginning of my driveway. I run up and hop on the bus. I sit in the very back seat while I watch everyone else on the bus staring at me. I don't typically get that much staring.  Geez. Is there something on me? Is there a bug? What? WHAT IS IT PEOPLE WHAT?! I sit in the back seat and crouch down so no one can stare at me anymore. What? It makes me feel uncomfortable.  It takes about a total 20 minutes before we arrive at the school. Okay, something is definitely up. Everyone has been staring at me ever since I got here. It's just like WTF! It's like I'm queen Bee now er' something. I have NO idea what's happening! But whatever it is, MAKE IT STOP! I then find Gordon. He has the same facial expression as everybody else. Blank, yet staring. I snap in his face. 

"Yo, dude. Cut it out! What's happening?" He doesn't answer me. "Um, Gordon? Hello?" No reply. "GORDON!" He then says in a super robot like voice,

"We have a new Principal today. He wants to see you in the office. " I stepped back. 

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" I ask I give him a somewhat disgusted look yet confused. 

"Positive, now go." He points in the office direction. I look at him one more time before I step into the office.  I look at the lady behind the dessk who is again giving me a blank stare. 

"Um, I heard the principal wanted to see me?" She pointed to the door.  "Oh, okay, thanks." I then knock on the door. 

"Enter." I hear murmured through the door. I slowly open the door.

"Um, you wanted to see me Mr." He was turned around looking at the wall behind his desk so I couldn't see him. 

"Fane. Mr. Fane. What a pleasure to have you in my office today Miss Cardona." 

"Um, thank you. Now you wanted something Mr. Fane. " 

"ah, yes. You see I'm having a bit of an issue with you."

"But it's the first day of school, I couldn't possibly of done something yet." 

"Well, you see. You've gotten in the way of my plans time to time before. But now, that won't happen anymore. " He turns his chair around as I almost faint. 


"D-d-d-d. Yes Issy, It's me. And you can try to escape but that can't happen. I only have the entire school as my minions. You can't get past them. Even if you tried. I upgraded their masks so it looks just like their actual faces. I'm surprised you were dumb enough to fall for it all. Even the voices."He laughed as He snapped his fingers. 2 people came up behind me and grabbed both my arms. 

"Hey, let me go! What have I done to you? SERIOUSLY!" I yell, struggling to get out of there grip. 

" haha, yes struggle, with all your might. But my new soldiers are stronger and way more prepared than ever before. Once DCI finds out about you gone missing. I will catch them and nothing will stop me now!" He gives an evil laugh. He then shooed his guards away. They dragged me out of the office into the hallway and pushed me into a small classroom, where I started my day, yet no one else was in the classroom. What's going on?


OMG! 1K Reads! OMG! I'm just so happy about that! I feel so special and loved. Thanks SO much my cupcakes! You are all SO amazing! Hopefully this chapter didn't bore you to death. Sorry if it did. :( Anyways yea thanks SO much!

Thanks my wonderful cupcakes


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