At her home

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Chapter 2: At her home

Glitch's POV

Issy collapsed onto the road. Luckily I wasn't far in front of her when she said " There's gonna be a next time?!" When she started to say that, I turned around and started towards her until she went to fall, then I started to run. I went to her just in time to catch her head. Fortunately her street seemed really quiet so I don't think anyone on her street would really notice. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. Wow. She is a lot lighter than I expected. I grabbed her boards and walked the rest of the way to her house, which was in seeing range.  I dropped the boards onto her front lawn and brought her inside. I then brought her up her stairs into a very colorful , and clean room.  Assuming that it's hers I plop her down of her bed and tuck her in. I try to back away but her hands were like glue to my neck. I take both of her hands and detatch them from my neck and place them down onto her stomach. I tuck her in and whispered, " Get some rest Iss. We are now in danger, well more like your are in danger. So be ready. " I quickly tiptoe over to her windows and close her neon purple curtains and crept out of her room back down another staircase. This time, the color of them were pink. (Man this is weird) I plop myself onto her couch just relaxing. I rub my face from exaustion I look at the 55 inch Flat screen which was on but it wasn't on any type of channel. It was like a game of some sort.  I look around it only to find an xbox. OH I <3 Those things ! It also has a KINECT?! AWESOME!! Means it's a dancing game ! The only reason I know this is because I had to read about it before I came here. Rasa's order.   Since the game was on the main menu, I step it and slide my had to click dance. I then go to perform, then a BUNCH of songs pop up. Hey! They have all my favorite songs! (How does this thing know this? xD)  I found one that I absolutely love ( Beware of the boys)

It then shows two characters on eachside of the screen along with what level you want. I didn't really pay attention to the character but I chose hard just for the challenge. Once I got to the character phase I started to get really creeped out because it looked exactly like me, the hair, the clothes, everything. it was really creepy. And the craziest part was that it's name was Glitch. I then saw Mo on the other side f the screen so I decided to switch mine to his. I then go to start the song. 

"Yo! Lil' Bro You almost ready to comeback yet?! We need that girl." Mo's voice said, " And plus I HATE robot Glitch!"

"Woah! So that's how she talked to me . Cool. Anyway bro we got bad news. I will tell you when I get there but right now, she's knocked out. Tomorrow at the latest. okay?" I say to the screen. Mo nods his head as I start the game. 

*Time skip*

I can' believe it! I have done this song multiple times now so what I don't understand is this. HOW DO I GET ONE NICE!?? Issy's score was still better than mine. This makes me mad. I then find a remote that turns off the tv but before that I take the xbox contriller and turn off the console. I now replop myself onto Issy's couch only to fin my self hungry. I quickly tiptoed up her pink stairs and into Issy's room to find her still sleeping. I got back down stairs and go into the kitchen. I look in everything and see that everything is stocked up.  I didn't want to feel like a bruden so I just made half of a peanutbutter sandwich and grabbed a water bottle after cleaning the butter knife I used for spreading my peanutbutter. I walk out to the living room only to look out the window to see that it's already dark.  I took out my phone to check the time. 8:00 at night already. wow. I plop down on the couch for the last time to night and slowly eat and drink my dinner. Everything was so peaceful. I started to doze off in the silence until I hear soft creaks coming from the staircase coming closer and closer to me. I slowly get up and start backing away. I was about the bolt for the door until I see Issy slowly walk into the dim light of the room.  Her hair all frizzed, adn her seatshirt hanging of one shoulder. 

"Oh so it wasn't a dream?" She said very softly yet you could still hear the grog in her voice. She rubbed her eyes. I begin to walk back into the room. 

"So how did you sleep ? It's been over 8 hours. " I start.

"Oh my gosh really? Glitch I-I-I'm SO Sorry! I - I didn't mean to at all really I -I wait? DID you carry me all the way back here?! OH MY GOSH! GLITCH I feel so awful and then with those girls at school  I - I just.." I cut her off, I just couldn't hear that anymore. 

"YO! Girl it's a'ight!  Just chill! But anyways I learned your game ,but what I dont understand is how are you better than me? I got one NICE Issy just ONE! Oh and I talked to Mo. We need to leave by tomorrow. " Her eyes widened at this .

"Um leave? N-no I-I can't just- wait. Where?"

"To DCI DUH!" I then pull my glove and elbow pad out of my pocket and put them on. Issy then put her hand on my shoulder and said, 

"Listen to me." I look at her, " I'm not going anywhere."

"Issy have you lost it?! Tan is after you now! You gotta stop him in my world now first!" She begins to glare at me as seh releases my shoulder. She then softens her face into a scared look. 

"Wha-what do you mean? H-he wants to k-kill me?" She studdered. 

"He just wants you out of the picture so he can take over DCI and if that means to kill ya then yea. So we leave first thing tomorrow. Got it?" Issy nods her head. I went to got throw away my water bottle until 2 head lights that are pulling in the drive way stop me. Issy goes to the window and very quickly closes the curtain. 

"GlglGlitch! Those aren't anyone I know. Have any idea?" She says nervouse ly as she turns on the tv and xbox. I look out to who it is and I just got a huge hit of fear. It was Tan.  I quickly go and lock the front door and run to Issy's safety. I see her picking a song. She piced the song Wild ones which was one of Mo's songs. I stepped in so we could get out of this mess. We suddenly hear a knock at the door. We both jump as Issy hurries to pick her level. We get to the character phase and I started to talk to Mo. 

"MO! You gotta get us outa here. NOW! Tans here! "

"WOah! Okay lil' bro! Switch to Rasa and Lima. They do it better than me. " We both nod as we switch our characters. 

Another knock was heard at the door but this time, it was a bang with a voice saying, 

"I KNOW YOUR IN THERE! AND ONCE I GET IN THERE! IT SURELY WONT BE PRETTY ! YOU CANT HIDE FOR LONG!" Tan couldn't be any scarier. Rasa and Lima are now on the screen as I yell, 

"GET US OUTA HERE! BOTH OF US NOW!" They nod there heads and just in time because right when we see Tan come through the door way both me and Issy get a bright light in our faces as we get sucked into the tv screen. ... 

To be continued... (Next chapter)


Hope you guys like this chapter :) Please comment on what you think :D

Thanks my cupcakes 

<3 Cupecake78 

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