Welcome to DCI

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Chapter 3: Welcome to DCI

Issy's POV

I land on the hard ground with a thump.

"GLITCH! Wh-wh- wait I know where I am!" I look around as I slowly stand up."This is the DCI headquarters, like in front of my face! Oh my gawd! Okay! Breathe! I just, wow it just looks so much more different in animated form." I then looked to Rasa and Lima , the heads of DCI. And y-your Rasa and Lima! Sorry I only used you in story mode, Glitch is more of a laid back type. " They then frown at me as Rasa starts, 

"Welcome to Dance Cen-"

"Dance Central Intelligence, I know I know. Oh hey i'm -"

"Issy, we've heard. " Lima said annoyed. Well, alright then miss perfect, no sass needed, I already get enough of that on earth. I thought. 

"So, ready to go explore Dance central?" Glitch says eager. I then punch his arm. "OW! What was that for?!"

"For taking me here! UGH! I wish this was all a dream!" I started to hit my face and pinch my hand but it doesn't work. Nope, looks like im stuck here. 

"HEY! I saved you sorry little butt back there, otherwise Tan would have gotten you and he could have killed you for all we know, so a thanks would have done sificely!" Glitch snapped. You know, I'm starting not to like him anymore.  Suddenly I hear giggles coming from behind a wall , past the main entrance of the DCI HQ Hangout. I start towards it. I get closer and closer until I pass the wall and get welcomed by all the crews of Dance central. 

"Hi!" Bodie says shyly as the rest of them look like they have been caught. 

"H-hey" I say with a bit of discust and confusion. 

"Issy!" I turn to hear Rasa's voice calling me. I start to walk to him as he pulls something up on the screen. " So you saw this guy." He pulls up a pic of Mr. Tan.

"Yea that's my school principal. Why?"

"Oh no! In like your world? This is not good Lima. He's already spreading his plans to other worlds and not just Dance central. " 

"Well everything did start to change when he became principal. It's like everyone got brainwashed or something. Theres also no art, music, dance, drama, nothing and it's so ordinary. But when you have people like me. I'm an outcast there. That's why I'm so bullied all the time. " I begin to fidle with my fingers. Lima puts a hand on my shoulder. " The only thing that is sorta creative is cheerleading and sports but that's pretty ordinary so not really a shock. " I shrug it off as I here "AWE!" Coming from the wall. " You guys can just come out now ya know. " I say." Mo then leads everyone in. Once they all reach me, we all go into a gigantic group hug. Glitch got squished to my face. 

"You migh' wanna ge' yoush to dish. " Glitch tries to say. I thought it was stupid but I just acted as if I liked it. Everyone then let go as I took in a huge gasp of air. 

"Oh sorry bout that. So, what brings ya 'ere?" Mo asks.

"Um.. I don't know maybe a guy with a purple streak of hair dragged me here to not get captured by tan. I would really Love to stay and chat but I am exausted. Does anyone have a place I can sleep for the night?"

"Of course. Glitch and Mo will take you to there place and I'm sure you could find some space. " Lima says. I look over to Mo and he's shaking his head yes while Glitch just has his arms crossed. 

"Well okay then. I should be back here for tomorrow so I can go back home." Before anyone else could say something I skipped out of the room with Mo and Glitch trailing behind me. I yawned with the stretch of my arms and began to fall asleep. I was so tired I could sleep walk for the rest of the trip there. My eyes start to flutter as I loose balance and fall to the floor with my back up against the wall. My eyes can't stop fluttering as they soon grow heavily and all sounds start to fade as I fall asleep in the hallway. 

Glitch's POV

we were at least ten feet away from Issy when she fell to the floor. I then ran to her assistance, and Mo tagged along too. I kneel down to her face and her eyes are closed. She's still breathing luckily but what made this happen. 

"A'ight pick 'er up man. Let's take her home. " Mo says to me. I then take her into my arms as her hands wrap around my neck. Her face now cuddling into my chest. She's so cute. But she doesn't seem interested soo... :( oh well. At least Lil' T doesn't have a thing for me. Man that was awful. I was lost in my thought when I bumped into Mo walking into our suite. To be honest, it was pretty big.  It could fit all the crews in here for a gigantic sleepover or something like that. I then take Issy to a guest room and tuck her in. 

"Glitch? What happened?" She groaned. 

You don't worry about anything okay? Just get some rest. We gotta big day tomorrow." I say softly as I kiss her forehead and walk out of the room while turning off the light and closing the door behind me.  As I walk into the living room I find Mo with his arms crossed giving me an evil smirk. 

"Dude puh-leeze stop giving me that face .I actually think that I will get a night mare er' sumthin. "

"You like her don't you." I then got all red in the cheeks as he pointed my face.

"N-no I-I don't" I studdered. I guess that kinda gave it away.

"OH MY GOSH! MY Lil' B-boy gotta girlfriend!" he then takes me in and messes up my hair.

"Dude she doesn't even like me!" As I push him off. 

"OKay . whatever you say but Ima still thinkin' it. Now be better go hit it because tomorrow aint gonna be pretty. Especially if it encludes Tan." He messes my hair up for the last time. I push him away as I go to my room. I take off my shirt and then switch my jeans to green flanels fleece pj pants. I grab my phone and ear buds as I jump into my bed. I plug in the music as I fall asleep.


Sorry this chapter is so short. I promise the next one will be longer. 

thanks my cupcakes 

<3 cupecake78

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