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Ch. 23: Worries

No ones pov

These nightmares of Issy's have been going on for weeks now. And they have no clue what or who is doing it.the black cloak guy is took his plan into action and so Issy is beginning to have bruises, cuts, and wounds all from her sleep. They even watch her while she sleeps. She only tosses and turns. Somethings up. And they will find out.

Glitchs pov

Im starting to get super worried about Issy. You don't just get random wounds in your sleep from nothing. Something is going on and if this doesnt stop she could die for all we know. I'm gonna go talk to Rasa. Maybe he has the answer to all this madness. I walk down the hallway of DCI after coming through the xbox of course and come into HQ to talk to Rasa.
"Yo rasa we gotta problem. Its about Issy "

" what's up?"
"She's been getting these nightmares and with that comes pain an-and wounds an-and all those horrific sights. Rasa, do you have the slightest idea what it could possibly be?!" I ask in hope. Rasa face showed me that he knew exactly what was going on. Here it comes.

"Nightmare. Oh no. But how?"

"Nightmare? What do you mean?"

"Nightmare was one of the best dancer here at dci. This was when I was an employee here. I danced better than him. He got angry and has always tried to get revenge ever since then. "

"Woah. I thought it was only tan."

" well, nightmare left a long time ago. I cant believe hes back. What are we going to do."

"Hang on. Why do people call him nightmare?"

"Well his real name was Jackson Hensford. He danced in all black all the time, and danced to dark, lurky music so people started calling him nightmare. And now he took his name way too far."

"I can see that now. But what are we gonna do? I cant just sit here and watch her get hurt until shes dead."

"I Know Glitch. But right now, theres nothing we can do. I'll try my best to get to the bottom of this. I promise."
I nod my head as I leave HQ. I run back to Issys world and find her sitting down on her couch with Karly? What? You know I always had a very bad feeling about her. Why should issy even trust her. Shes just too nice. Ugh you know. That may be a really bad thing in the future.

"Oh karly. Your here." I slap on a fake smile and walk towards issy.

"Oh hi glitch. Im just checking on issy. I heard you havent been doing well."
I noticed she was wearing all black.

"Hey, I gotta question. Why are you only wearing black?"

"Because its... um... all I have in my wardrobe."

"Ah. I see. Okay. Just wondering. " we sat there in awkward silence for a few second before I said. "Well okay now I better be off."I then go through the screen and go straight to rasa.

Issys Pov

I invited karly over after a few minute phone call.

"So ... anything super important in ur life that you would just die if you lost?"


"Well we are best friends now. We can tell eachother anything right? "

"Well honestly I pnly have three things 1. My family 2. Glitch and 3. Dci." I sat.

"Wow. Thats not too much."

"Well do I need a million dollars? No. So I dont need a million things to make me happy."

"O-oh." She looks down at her phone. "I have to go. I will talk to you soon okay?"
She gets up and starts to walk to the door.

"Okay." I say. Shes really nice now. Shes really changed. And thats what makes a human being. Having second chances. I would live to take a nap right now but im afraid of those nightmares. And I got a huge wound on my back so its almost impossible to be still and sleep. I wish this was just a dream :( Glitch then comes back from the screen and sits next to me.

"Hey there." I say.

"Hi. How you feelin?" He holds my hand gently.

" tired and sore and hurting everywhere but ehh ive been way better. " I give a side smile to make him feel better. But it doesnt work.

"Issy, I think we found the person behind all this. Now were not positive, but we have an idea. "


"This guy named nightmare. Or his actual name is jackson hensford. He used to dance with rasa but since rasa was better he got umped up in stead of him. So he's been trying to get revenge ever since. "

"Woah. Thats deep"

" yeah just like that cut on ur side." I chuckle as he follows me.

"You hungry?" He asks me .

"A little."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to feed me some icecream."

"You already had icecream 3 times today. How about I get you somethin healthier instead?"

"Fine. A cupcake will do."

"I mean fruits or vegetables. Or protein, grains, anything BUT dairy " we laugh to this.

" fine. Go make me a pb and j sandwich pleAse. On wheat bread for my grains xD"

"Atta girl." He then leaves to the kitchen.

Karlys Pov

"FINALLY! You know. It took you long enough." My father said.

"Huh? Oh sorry. "

"So. Did you get anything?" I hesitated before saying,

"Something about a million dollars."

"Money? Wait. Thats perfect! We'll have money pouring out of her house windows and-"

"NO WAIT!" Why do I have such a big mouth? " she sait something about the empire state building. Yeah. And so dont do her house! And put random strangers. She says she cares a lot about the poor people.yeah."

"Are you lying to me? Because usually you dont babble like this."

WHAT! I DONT BABBLE!" I yell at him

"Thats my girl now go to bed. We will show some mercy and let her have sleep tonight. She'll need it for the next thanks to you."

"Okay. Goodnight." I dash to my room and sulk in guilt.
"What am I doing?" I then get a text.
Issy- hey we found out some suspects for my nightmares.

Me- oh really. Who?

Issy- its this guy that used to work in DCI, his name was nightmare, or jackson hensford. Got any idea who that could be?

Oh my god.

Me- not a clue gtg night

Issy- night :)

I am probably the best friend. She'll ever have. Call me crazy but I think I want to help her .... and maybe I can get away from this mess.

Hey my wonderful cupcajes. Its cupecake here with a new chappie because im borred and have nothing to do this summer. :D srry this was kinda short. Forgive me.

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