Final Dance Battle

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Chapter 15: Final Dance Battle

Issy's POV

I saw Tan with my parents by his side and I was legit, about to cry. I tried to stay strong but I was so close to bursting out. I saw Glitch standing strong so luckily, I regained myself and kept going. 

"So you want to challenge me, once and for all huh? Well this time, you can't be beat!" Tan's voice hissed. To be honest (tbh) I was kinda scared yet trying my hardest not to laugh because he was my principal and you know. He kept going on and on about his stupid world domination crap, while Glitch was SO intrigued , I wasn't. i've been through this like 5 times through story mode and now I'm just bored. usually I skip the talking part, or mute it, but nope, not this time. Of course -_- 

"um, Hey. Sorry to interrupt the conversation but I don't have all night to save my parents. Mind getting to the point here?" I say with a bit of attitude. Dr. Tan seem offended but got to the point. 

"You aren't getting your parents back. Your swag is no match for me and my awesomeness."

"Judging by your outfit i say otherwise." I shot back. 

"J-Just be prepared to lose." Tan said. Our last chapter began. 

(You do not have to watch the entire thing. Just sayin. ) 

So I won. Not really a big deal. Kinda figured that.  then run over to my parents who are taking off their masks. 

"W-where are we?" My dad asks dazed. 

"We gotta get them back before they come back to their senses. " I say to Glitch. He nods his head as He grabs my dads arm as I take my mom's back into DCI where I send them back through the portal. 

"So... I guess this is goodbye for now?" I say to Glitch as I put my head down. 

"I guess so. But you will come back right?"Glitch asks hopefully. 

"I-I don't think so. I would have to wait until my next vacation which is April Vacation. Which is in a couple of days! And with that field trip slip thing, I could be gone the entire time. :D" I say.

"Really?! That's great shawty. So if you have some problems with those bullies at school, take em down. They jealous of you. You got it all Issy. And I'm pretty sure that Tan won't be your principal for much longer. He's trapped in a time stream. So shawty, you better be goin now huh?" He scratched the back of his neck. 

"Yep. So I'll see you soon though. Not too long of a wait. I promise." I then give him a warm embrace as I kiss him on the cheek. " See you later." I then Jump through the portal. As I hit my wood floor, I look back at my tv screen to see black. Just pure black. What? I then start seeing smoke. But nothing's burning! I look down at my xbox and it's over heated. NO! I try to take out my Dance Central 3 game out but it's no use. It won't budge. Oh my god. What about Glitch? Maybe if I get the same game. but all my data and storage is in their. No! Please dear god no! That means, Glitch doesn't know me anymore. That means, I'm gonna have to start all over again. 

"But  i don't want another Glitch." I begin to say to myself out loud. "  I just want that Glitch, that came to my school and saved me from punches and Karly, and kissed me on the forehead and hugged me and slept in my bed. GOD that sounds weird. But it's not. And I just want the video game character that took time for me back. The one thing that actually cared for me. " tears are streaming down my face as I go down on my knees crying. "Why didn't I kiss him. *sob* I should've done it. I should have. That one would have been worth it." I then hear a faint voice.

"Shawty!" It was by the xbox. 


"Shawty! I'll find you! We will find each other! I-" His voice got cut off. 

"Glitch!" More tears running down my cheeks. 

"Honey?" I turn to see my parents holding there heads. 

"Mom, go to sleep. Let me have my moment please! ALONE?!"

"She's having mood swings, it's just part of puberty." My mom says as she turns for her room along with my dad. I look at them with disgust. How can they just do that?! You know what. WHATEVER! I get a fire extinguisher and blow it on my xbox. As much as it hurt, I could DEFINITELY fix it. Im such a tech whiz. But I have school tomorrow. I yawn as I lock all the doors to my house and windows as I change into my cupcake pj pants and a music is life t-shirt. I grab my phone from my night table stand as I plug in my earbuds and play my feel better music. Even though It has nothing to do with my situation. 

(A/N: I love them SO much!!!! Legit they are my favs!!! #panicforever! right after Glitch and tmnt and then my FOOD and then yea my list is WAYYY too long. xD)

I then have my whole playlist of them and all my posters of them as I stare at them all as I pick out my clothes and mix matched socks for tomorrow for school. I then lay down in my bed as I set my alarm clock on my phone for 6:00am . I put my phone down as I plug in it's charger as I drift off to sleep. 


Srry for the such short updates you guys! I feel bad but yet not? I don't even know okay???!!!!! Anyways So yea I have my new and 3rd Glitch x OC fanfic and I am sorry, I have been in the mood for writing sad stuff. OMG! I'm sorry!!!!! I need ideas for this story! I've been having writers block for this story. Honestly i have no idea where this story but idk i think it could go somewhere. Anyways inbox me for ideas please. :D 

Thanks my cupcakes

<3 Cupecake78

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