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Chapter 7: Code: Red

Glitch's POV

I had her in my arms as she sobbed into my colorfully patterned shirt. She then let go and looked up at me with her eyes, all red and watery saying, 

"Thanks Glitch, I needed that. I'm just tired and I wouldn't get so emotional over a guy like this. I knew it was too good to be true. Sorry. Guess overtiredness over threw me huh? " she tried to peep out a laugh. 

"No it was my fault, if I hadn't done, well- what I did, this wouldn't of happened." I felt guilty for making her remember those things, and having her sob. I totally deserve a soaking wet shirt. :(

" No no. I-it's not. I was totally gonna do it too. I-I mean. " Her cheeks started to burn up. 

"Hey hey hey. don' sweat it shawty. I got chu. Nothing like that is gonna happen between us okay? Let's just keep what happened here, our little secret okay?" She nodded her head in agreement as we both stepped towards the door. I then open the door to find Taye, Lil T, Mo, Bodie , and Emilia all fall to the floor in front of us. Issy jumped and screamed until she saw who it was. 

"Well, so much for secret." She shrugged as she jumped onto my bed and sat cross legged. Bodie then gets up , scratching the back of his neck and says, 

"Oh uh yea... sorry bout that...Um.. Hi i'm-" she cuts him off.

"Bodie emilia, taye, lil' t, Mo I know everyone here. I know I know. Now please don't mention what happened to anyone and let me go ho-" She then was cut off by the intercom with Lima's voice. 

"Attention all DCI Staff and Issy, we need everyone to headquarters NOW! Code:RED!"

We all gasped as we went down to headquarters. And Issy kept asking questions along the way as I grabbed her hand and dragged her to headquarters.

"W-what's a code red? Is it bad? Does it involve tan? What's happening? Am I gonna be able to go home? What if-" I cut her off. 

"No time for questions Issy, you will figure it out when we get there. This has never , ever happened before so I barely know anything about it even so please hurry up because we don't have much time!"

We quickly huddled into headquarters where Lima and rasa were trying to control the computer but everything was blinking red. I looked over to Issy who had her eyes wide in fear as she backed away slowly.  I then hear a very short but loud scream as i turn to see Issy being taken into Tan's Arm. Not romantically we are but in a 'I am taking her away' type way, Holding one of his hands over Issy's mouth. I then see her tongue escape Tan's hand as he pulls it away and glares at her, letting her go. She then runs up to me to hide behind me.  I then stand strong as Tan get's all in my face. I have a lot of fear but I stand strong just for her. 

"Listen GLITCH get out of my way, I need Issy back in the real world before her parents die of a heart attack." His words hissed. Issy was huffing and puffing in fear as she had her hands grasped onto my shoulder as she peeked her eyes trying not to meet eye contact w/ tan. 

"Back off Tan, I got her and there is NO way that you are getting her before me first."

"Awe, you're so adorable, trying to keep her safe, but you're going to regret that you did that." He then puts on a mask and disappears into thin air. 

"Sweet lordie....." Issy starts as she then falls into my arms, passed out. Miss aubrey then come over and take out her pink fan and starts giving her some fan-ish air I guess.  Issy then lifts her head (wow she actually got up this time) and stares at everyone around, then at me. "Oh hey." Her cheeks begin to deepen into a red.

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