❤Love Triangle❤

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Cassandra and Mari were at school and was waiting for their ride home they both went to Gotham high

Mari:Grandpa bruce haven't been this late before

Cassandra: I know I wonder what's taking him so long

Cassandra checked her phone and she had a text from jason

Jay:Bruce was in a meeting so I'll be picking you and mari up from school

Cassandra: He's in a meeting so jasons coming to pick us up

Mari:well he needs to hurry up

Cassandra: I know I wanna hurry up and get at the manor already

Mari:I won't be at the manor my dad wanted me to come straight home

....well we better get you home little Grayson

Mari and Cassandra looked at saw Jason with his window rolled down and they both got in

Cassandra: What took you so long

Mari: Yeah we were out there for....

Cassandra: 4 hours

Jason smirked knowing they were lying

Jason:lier lier pa-

Cassandra: how about lier lier jason on fire

Mari:if that were true I would always lie

Cassandra: you and me both mari

The car stopped and they were at Mari house and she got out

Mari:Bye Cass bye Jay

When Mari left in her house jason turned around towards Cassandra

Jason:so to the manor

Cassandra smiled then nodded

Jason adjusted hit rear view mirror and looked in it and cassandra face was in it

Jason: Cass could I ask you a question


Jason:Why have you been so distant lately

Cassandra just shrugged and looked out the window

Cassandra: I dont know school I guess

But she did know her and jason used to be really close until he started dating Stephanie

Jason:I know your lying but I'll let it slide

Cassandra rolled her eyes and the rest of the car ride was quiet

Jason saw that he needed gas and stopped at a corner store

Cassandra: I'll go pay for it if you want I need something to eat anyways

Jason handed Cassandra some money and she went in the store

She payed for the gas and got a pack of skittles

When she got back to the car Jason was halfway sleep he. Woke up when she blew the horn

Jason:AH! what the?!..

Jason glared at Cassandra she gave him his change back when she got back in the car he started driving

Jason: not gonna ask me if I want any

Cassandra: would you like some skittles Jay

Jason: nahh I'm good

Cassandra rolled her eyes and they finally made it to the manor and she got out to go inside

When she did she was greeted by Stephanie

Stephanie:Hey Cass...why did jason drop you off

Cassandra: Bruce was at a meeting

Stephanie:well next time walk you could use the exercise instead of getting a ride from my boyfriend

Cassandra just rolled her eyes thinking

Dont worry Cass...steph is just being her bitchy self again

So Cassandra went upstairs to her room to take a nap

Her nap lasted until she heard a knock on the door and it was dick

Dick:Cass dinner is almost ready why dont you come down.....

Cassandra: I'm coming

And with that cassandra made her way downstairs at the dinner table....

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now