❤Love Triangle❤

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Hours have passed and no one has found Cassandra and everyone was really upset at Stephanie

Stephanie:Why is everyone so mad at me!

Mari:oh I dont know you showed everyone that video

Stephanie:Everyone deserved to know

Tim:It was none of our business to know

Jason:You should apologize

Stephanie:I'm not apologizing to that thing

Damian:You the thing

Stephanie just stompted off to her room

Mari:Dad could I fly over Gotham one last time

Dick:We'll have to look in the morning starshine

Mari nodded

Mari:Could I stay over at the manor then

Dick:Of course you can

Mari went into the guest room and Tim went home while Damian and Bruce went in the bat cave to get ready for patrol/Search for Cass

Jason:Dick could I talk to you for minute

Dick:Sure Jaybird wassup
Jason:Is it weird that I was glad Cass liked me

Dick thought for a second and realized why Jason just asked

Dick:You liked her didn't you

Jason looked embarrassed and Dick smirked

Dick:Don't be embarrassed Jay you should probably tell her

Jason:She won't believe me Dick

Dick put a hand on Jason's shoulder

Dick:Trust me she will

Jason smiled and decided to go on to bed

Cassandra POV

It was getting really late and I didn't want to go back to the manor

So I called the only person who would let me stay with them

So I called them

Cassandra:Hey it's me Cassandra

.....Cass are you alright?!

Cassandra:Yeah but could I stay with you for a while

.....sure here's the address(random address)

Cassandra: Thanks

End of phone call

-----time skip no POV-----

Cassandra knocked on the door and the door finally opened

Cassandra:Hi Tim can I come in

Tim smiled and let Cassandra in

Cassandra:I'm sorry I ran off like that I just dont really want to be at the manor right now

Tim:It's okay there's an extra room you could stay in for tonight

Cassandra: Thanks

Cassandra went up to the room and went to sleep

Tim decided to make a phone call

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now