❤Love Triangle❤

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As Kris thought for a while she smirked

Kris:I'm in

While Stephanie and Kris thought of an idea Cassandra was in her room still talking to Mari

Mari:so...when is the date

Cassandra:Tomorrow but you can't tell anyone

Mari shook her head

Mari:I won't I promise

Cassandra smiled she actually couldn't stop

Cassandra:I just can't stop smiling

Mari chuckled a little

Mari:well go to sleep so you can be ready for your date tomorrow

....Yeah get some beauty sleep not that you need it


Cassandra opened the door to her room and Jason fell down

Mari: were you lisening to our conversations

Jason got up and dusted himself off


Cassandra: how much did you hear

Mari and Cassandra were talking for hours and hours and they've said a lot

Jason:I heard Cass say I'm hot and I now know that Mari and Damian are dating

Cassandra blushed and not just a little she blushed a lot

Cassandra: I never said that

Mari:yes she did

Cassandra glared at mari while mari smirked

Jason: I think your the hot one

Jason was smirking and Cassandra blushed some more and hurried and closed her door

Mari was laughing her butt off at a very flushed Cassandra

Mari:I'm totally staying over tonight

Cassandra:well I'm going to get some sleep


Since Cassandra bed was big enough they both fell asleep in her room

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now