❤Love Triangle❤

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Cassandra was in her room cuddling her pillow when she heard a knock on the door and Kris came in

Kris:Hey Cass

Cassandra:Hey Kris what's up

Kris:Stephanie said she wanted to show you something

Cassandra: okay?...but why

Kris:I don't know but she's in her room

When Kris left out she had a smirk on her face

Cassandra POV

I wonder what Stephanie wants

I made my way to Stephanie room I opened the door and what I saw hurted me so much

Stephanie and Jason making out on the bed

Cassandra:Nice to know you were just messing with my feelings

They broke the kiss and saw me Stephanie with a smirk and Jason with a surprised look

Jason: Cass I can explain

But I cut him off

Cassandra:don't....I dont want to hear you fake ass lies

Stephanie:ohhh...it wittle cassandra mad

Cassandra: Screw you Stephanie

And I walked out with Jason following me

Jason:Cass wait I didn't kiss her

Cassandra:It sure did look like you did!.... you said you cared

Jason: And I do Please let me explain what happened

Cassandra:I already know....you decided to be a jerk and mess with my feelings!

I went in my room and slammed the door closed

Jason POV

Cass closed the door in my face and I felt bad

She set me up and now I have no shot with Cass

I turned to see Kris behind me with a smirk

Kris:You screwed up Jason

Jason: You were in on it weren't you

Kris:You bet I was

I growled and walked pass her and out the door

I went to my safe house and went to sleep

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