❤Love Triangle❤

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Cassandra Mari and Damian were waiting to get picked up

Cassandra:will they hurry up its been an hour

Damian:Would you quit your complain Cain

Mari:dont talk to her like that

Damian just grumbled and crossed his arms when a limo pulled up and they got in

Cassandra:Mari you think I can come over by your house I need a dress for the gala and I haven't picked out anything

Mari:Sure I need one to anyways

Damian:Can you two quit talking about dresses

Cassandra:Can you close your mouth

....That'll be awesome if he does



Cassandra:Are you driving the limo

Dick:that is also correct

Mari: Dad why isn't Alfie driving the limo

Dick:Because I wanted to drive it

Dick continued to drive and dropped Mari and Cassandra off at his house and dropped of Damian at the Manor then went home in his blue car



damain went into Bruce's office and he was reading the newspaper

Bruce:how was school Damian

Damian:it was great father.

Bruce:this cassandra come with you

Damain:no she went to Grayson house with Mari

Bruce nodded and Damian left out....

----a week later----

Today was the day for Cassandra to come back to the manor

She was in the car with Tim and it was really silent until...

Tim:you okay?

Cassandra: yeah just really really nervous about coming to the manor but its time for me to go back

Tim nodded then smiled and continued to drive

Before they knew it they were already at the manor

Tim:I'm going to go park the car

Cassandra nodded and got out and headed inside of the manor

.....nice see you here again Cass

Cassandra turned around and saw Barbara

Cassandra:hey Babs I was at Tims

Barbara: Yeah I know dick told me about what happened I kinda already knew you liked him

But Cassandra tried to play if off

Barbara:you know who....but I still think steph shouldn't have done that

Cassandra:its fine

Barbara:I saw Mari around here she was looking all over for you


Cass turned around and saw Mari and gave her a hug

Cassandra:so I've heard

Mari chuckled

....hey Cass you look great

Cassandra turned around and saw......

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now