❤Love Triangle❤

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Jason and Cassandra went into another room so they could talk

Jason:why did you avoid me for two whole weeks

Cassandra:Because after you finding out that I liked you it would make things awkward

Jason smirked

Cassandra: its not funny

Jason:It kinda is

Cassandra:oh and how is it funny then

Jason: well what if I told you that I liked you back

Cassandra blushed a little and looked down at her feet

Cassandra:then I'll say stop toying with my feelings

Jason:What if I wasn't toying with your feelings because I'm not I really do like you back

Cassandra looked back up


Jason nodded

Jason: how about this we go out on a date and nobody has to know

Cassandra smiled really big and nodded

Jason hugged Cass and spun her around while she screamed a little

When he stopped their faces were inches apart they then start leaning in and soon they kissed

.....is anyone here I heard screa-...oh

....well look what we have here

The kiss broke and Looked to see who it was

It was.....

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now