❤Love Triangle❤

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Cassandra opened the door and it was Stephanie

Cassandra: Hey st-

But Stephanie cut her off by coming into her room

Stephanie:Stay away from my man

Cassandra: He's my best friend and I can hang out with whoever I want

Stephanie:Not if I have anything to do with it....now go clean my room

Cassandra: You can't tell me what to do

Stephanie: Whatever but stay away from Jason

And Stephanie left out

A few minutes after she did Cassandra went downstairs to see a girl with short black hair.

....hi I'm Kris Drake

Tim:She's my sister

And then another girl came in the door with blonde hair

....I'm Yanae but you can call me Yannie

Kris:She's tim girlfriend

Yanae:She didn't need to know all of that Kris

Tim:there staying for dinner bruce said it was okay but me and Yanae are going somewhere

Yanae and Tim went out the door and Kris turned to Cassandra

Kris:Is Stephanie Brown here

Cassandra: yeah...she's somewhere around here probably with Jason

Kris rolled her eyes

Cassandra: I'm guessing your one of his EX's

Kris:Yeah I broke up with him when he cheated on me with her

Cassandra: Oh so your Kris the girl Jason used to talk about

Kris:Yeah Yanae doesn't like her either

Cassandra: you guys aren't the only one

Kris smirked

Kris:Wanna go watch a movie until everyone is back

Cassandra: sure

----time skip-----

Everyone was at dinner and the tension was high

Stephanie: So kris did you ever date anyone else


Stephanie:Yanae how's you father....oh wait he's dead

Yanae wanted to shock Stephanie with lighting but she also wanted to control herself


Tim nodded knowing why Yanae said her name

Tim:well I think I'm going to take Kris home and me and Yanae need to get home anyways it was nice seeing all of you

Tim Yanae and Kris left leaving a smirking Stephanie

Jason: Stephanie why do you keep doing that

Stephanie: Because she stole tim from me

Dick:But your with Jason

Stephanie:I dont care I dont like her

The rest of dinner was awkward and silent

Kris is JIMMYcastielismine

And well I'm yanae lol

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