❤Love Triangle❤

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Everyone finished eating dinner and it was quiet as always

Cassandra: Alfie if you want I'll help with the dishes

Alfred:why thank you miss Cassandra

Cassandra got up and helped Alfred with the dishes while everyone went to their rooms except Stephanie and Jason

There were only a few dishes left so Cass suggested Alfred take a break

After a few tries he finally took a break

Stephanie:Hey Cass maybe you should be the maid I mean you like cleaning all you need is the ugly clothes...oh wait you already have it

Stephanie smirked and Cassandra turned around glaring at Stephanie


Cassandra:Its okay jay....she can shove her words up her ass

At this Jason and Cassandra laughed and Stephanie crossed her arms

Stephanie:Jaybaby who's side are you on

Jason:I dont take sides

Cassandra finished washing the dishes

Stephanie 'accidentally' wasted some water on the floor next to Cassandra and when she stepped back she fell on the floor

Stephanie: oops*giggle*My bad

Cassandra just rolled her eyes and got up and went to her room

She cleaned up and when she was done she heard a knock on her door and it opened

Jason:Sorry about what happend downstairs. You okay?

Cassandra: yeah I'm just fine but I'm kinda tired so I'm going to take a nap

Jason nodded and she closed the door and laid down on her bed soon falling asleep

---the next morning---

Cassandra was woken up from hearing screaming downstairs

She got up and saw Jason and some other girl arguing

Cassandra: What is going on

Tim:Well that's one of Jason's ex Mandy



Mandy threw a glass at Jason scratching his face and left

Stephanie:Why didn't you tell me about her being your ex

Jason:Because she's my ex and its the past

Stephanie rolled her eyes

Stephanie: you still should have told me

She then kissed him and walked off

Tim left leaving only Jason and Cassandra.

Cassandra: I think I'm gong to go

But before she left Jason stopped her

Jason:Hey Cass could you help me with this

Cassandra went and got some medicine for the scratches and help put some on the scratches

It was calm until jason put some on Cassandra nose

Cassandra smirked then said.

Cassandra: oh 2 people can play at that game

Cassandra put some on his nose and it kept going on and on until Stephanie came in

Stephanie: what is going on

Jason:nothing were just goofing around

Stephanie:well....why don't you goof around with me

Stephanie sat on Jason's lap and started making out with him and Cassandra was starting to feel uncomfortable so she left and went up to her room and laid their until a few minutes later she heard a knock on the door....

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now