❤Love Triangle❤

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It was the next day and Cass was in a great mood

Bruce:So what is everyone doing today

It was breakfast time and Bruce just asked a question he doesn't ask much

Stephanie: Today I'm inviting Kristan over

Dick:I'm going to go visit Kori

Everyone gave Dick weird looks

Dick:Babs is coming too and so is Mari I'm taking Mari to see her

Mari:well my dad just said what I'm doing today to go see my mom

Tim:I'm hanging with Yanae

Damian:I thought you two broke up

Tim:we did were hanging out as friends

Cassandra: yeah that'll turn into-...

Tim:Cass!....Have you been talking to Yanae

Cassandra:Yeap she told me how you guys get back together so I'm pretty sure you guys are going to be back together soon

Tim blushed

Damian:I'm going to go visit Colin

Jason:I not telling you

Bruce:Cassandra what are you doing today....

Dick:or are you going to just sit lazy at the manor

Cassandra:basically I have nothing else to do

Dick:You can come with Mari if you want

Cassandra:I think I'll be lazy all day

Bruce:You all know what I do everyday

Tim:Yeah work work work

Dick:and he works on Selina

Everyone laughed while Bruce tried to keep his blush down

Cassandra:that's where you.guys are wrong

Jason:Why say that

Cassandra:At the gala Bruce got drunk and tried to work on Alfred and Dinah

Everyone burst into laughter while Bruce just glared....

It was the middle of the day everyone was doing what they had planed on

Cassandra was at the park wearing some sunglasses waiting for someone

.....Hey Cass!

Cassandra turned and saw Jason with some sunglasses on

Jason:ready to go...

Cassandra nodded and they kept walking......

The next chapter is going to be a jaycass special.

Its going to be about them spending the whole day together.

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now