❤Love Triangle❤

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Stephanie went to go check on Jason since he was still pretty mad

Stephanie:Jaybaby Timmy was lying....I didn't kiss her

Jason:Steph that's what you say all the time

Stephanie:No its not baby but bruce sent me up here to tell you in a few weeks we'll be having a gala so we need to make sure were matching

Jason:Stephanie last time we were matching I had to wear pink

Stephanie:Well we'll be wearing both pink and black with a little green and blue

Jason:that won't look too good

Stephanie: Trust me it will

Stephanie left out of Jason room and then went back down stairs

Stephanie: I told him Alfred I need you to get Me and Jason an outfit that blue green pink and black

Alfred:Mistress Stephanie the gala is only a few weeks are you sure

Stephanie:Yes I'm sure

Alfred:Right away then

Damian:Why would you wear something ugly as that

Stephanie:clearly you have no taste in fashion

Cassandra:Clearly you dont

Stephanie: Ofcorse you would say that you dress like a maid probably because you are one

Cassandra:Actually no I dont and no I'm not

Stephanie: Whatever

With that Stephanie left out the door and Jason came downstairs

Cassandra:Might want to hide yourself during the gala because you wont look too too

Cassandra chucked and Jason just glared

Jason:Dont you think I know that

Cassandra:well I'm going over to Mari house

Bruce:Dont you have school you should get to bed

Cassandra almost forgot Bruce didn't know about her being suspended

Cassandra:oh yeah I have school well goodnight

Cassandra went up to her room and first took a bath and went on to bed

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