❤Love Triangle❤

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Cassandra turned around and saw Kris

Cassandra:Hey Kris where's Yanae

Kris:She didn't want to come I heard about what happend sorry about that

Cassandra:Oh uh it's okay so stayed with Tim for a while but I'm coming back to the manor today

Kris smiled and it turned into a smirk

Cassandra:What's with the smirk

Kris then went back to a smile

Kris:nothing....but dont turn around if you aren't ready to talk to Jason

Kris left and Cassandra turned around soon regrerting it she turned right back around

Cassandra: I shouldnt have turned around

Jason who was beind her walked right in front of her

Jason: nah I'm actually glad you did

Cassandra sighed

Jason:Do you think we can talk....in private

Cassandra nodded and they went into another room to talk......

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now