❤Love Triangle❤

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Its been a week ans It was a quiet day at the manor while everyone was at school....

Bruce:Tim could you do Me a favor

Tim:It depends Bruce but what is it

Bruce:Could you get Cassandra to come back to the manor

Tim:Bruce she's not ready to come back after what Stephanie did

Bruce:I know what Stephanie did was wrong but she has to come back sometime

Tim:On the day of the gala

Dick:Tim that's in a week and she's going to have to face her fears

Everyone looked confused at Dick

Dick:she's obviously scared to see Jason
After steph showed the video

Jason: Your point

Dick:My point is she's embarrassed

Tim:I would too if I was her


Dick:Please dont tell me you got back together with her

Jason shook his head and sighed

Stephanie: Jaybaby didn't you hear me calling you

Jason: I'm not your jaybaby anymore but what do you want

Stephanie: you are my baby and were going over to tim house so we can rub our relationship in Cass face

Tim:first your not stepping a foot in my house and second she's at school

Jason:Third we aren't in a relationship

Dick:forth you need. To stop being a bitch

Bruce: and fifth if you are going to see Cass its to apologize

Stephanie just rolled her eyes and stomped out

Jason:Isn't school out now

Bruce checked the time and he was late on picking Damian

Bruce:Yeah I'm kinda late I guess I should go get them

Dick:I'll go Cass would think your bringing her to the manor

Jason:I'll do it I have nothing else to do and I still need to talk to Cass

Tim:how about we all just go except bruce I saw what you sent to Selina so ofcorse your 'busy'

Bruce blushed and tried to hide it

Dick:let's just go guys.....

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now