❤Love Triangle❤

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Jason blindfolded Cassandra and he was taking her to a place that just opened

Jason: okay open your eyes

Cassandra:What's this

Is was a new restaurant called Gotham Burgers

Jason:its a new restaurant I know how much you like burgers so I decided to take you here

Cassandra smiled really big

Cassandra:Well what are we waiting for!?

Jason chuckled and was pulled inside by Cassandra

They ordered their food and it was really good

Jason:Its actually pretty good....

Cassandra:Pretty Good?...No...This taste Awesome!

Jason:well I'm not the one who loves burgers

Cassandra:so you hate them

Jason:No but I'm more of a chili dogs person

Cassandra:dont I know it I remember when you freaked out when Damian said he never tried them and when Bruce said he hated them

Jason:Yeah Dick still has the video...a lot has happend at the manor

Cassandra smiled and nodded

Jason:Like when you were little and was scared of lighting I remember coming in your room just to sing you to sleep

Jason chuckled at the memory while Cassandra blushes and tried to hide it and Jason saw

Jason:Are you okay....your kinda blushing

Cassandra eyed widened

Cassandra:that's actually when I started to like you

Jason was really shocked

Jason:That was years ago you were 13 and I was 16 why didn't you tell me

Cassandra: you just said the answer why I was 13 you were 16 and dating Stephanie

Jason:No I dated her at 17 I would have dated you but you didn't say anything

Cassandra:Wait...you liked me then

Jason slowly nodded

Cassandra:I still wouldn't because I was too young you were in high school I was just a 13 year old girl in Gotham Academy in the 8th grade

Jason smirked and kissed Cass lightly

Jason:age doesn't matter to me

Cassandra smiled

After they were done with their food they went to go take a walk in the park

It was getting late so Cassandra and Jason went back to the manor

When they did no one saw them so While Cassandra was going into her room Jason heard someone call his name

He turned to see Stephanie

Jason: what do you want stephanie

Stephanie:well I want to pick out a gift for Cass I have a few choices in my room....

Jason:are you up to something

Stephanie:No its a apology gift

Jason thought for a while and nodded

Stephanie smiled and they went in her room....

Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now