❤Love Triangle❤

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Jason and Cassandra broke the kiss and saw Kris and Stephanie

Cassandra:um...I'm going to go now

Cassandra left and went back to the gala followed by Jason then Stephanie then Kris

Cassandra was still blushing and bumped into Mari

Mari:what's wrong and why are you blushing like you kissed your crush or something

That made Cassandra blush even more and made Mari gasp

Mari:You kissed Jason!

Cassandra:more like he kissed me

Mari smile grew bigger and she hugged cassandra.

Mari: finally...you have to tell me everything

Cassandra: not right here or right now because the only thing I want to do is dance all around!

Cassandra had a huge smile on her face while her and Mari danced playfully

Hours passed and the Gala ended and everyone left while everyone cleaned up Cassandra and Mari went into Cass room

Mari:So tell me every single detail

Cassandra explained to Mari what happened between her and jason

Mari POV

As cassandra explained everything I was glad she was finally going on a date with Jason

No POV Downstairs

Kris was still downstairs down at the bar waiting for tim to take her home due to way too many drinks she couldn't drive herself

.....I have a proposal for you

Kris turned around and saw Stephanie

Kris:What do you want

Stephanie: we both still like Jason and we both dont like Cassandra unless your friends with her

Kris:I told her when you and him break up that Jason said he'll probably get back together with me so I'm not friends with her anymore

Stephanie:good....because I have a plan

Kris:what kind of plan

Stephanie:a plan that will keep them apart

Kris thought for a while and finally made up her mind

Her decision was to....

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