Chapter 11:The enchated library

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~Ario the immortal librarian ~

(A/N:The library is on the media and Ario is the boy in the picture too.)

I am just sitting on my favorite spot on my library when Alec called, "Ario can my class use the library tomorrow?"

"I suppose its fine, if they don't destroy any of the books." I replied. Alec nod then left me alone.

"Now to read my books." I said, then jumped of the platform. When I arrived at the basement where all the ancient books are, I heard the door of sealing shaking.

As if the book inside wants to go out of its prison. Enchanthia the enchanted book of the Black & White magic user's life.

It show the person reading it the images of the life of the first Black and White magic user.

I wonder why its going haywire. The last time it want go out is when the late headmaster and his granddaughter wanting to read the enchanted books.

Since little Ali tamed Enchanthia no one is able to tame it. 'That's right! Ali moved here yesterday so that is why Enchanthia is going haywire. It wants to be with her.' I thought.

I just hope that Enchanthia doesn't go haywire during Alec's class, it will be a disaster.

|The following day|

Me and my class are know at the entrance of the enchanted library.

I face my students and said, "Class, today we are going to do an important project with Ms.Alessandra Rivera's class so be on your best behavior."

"You always want us to be in our best behavior when Ms.Ales is around." Serina said.

"Yeah!" The whole class, except for Alicia, said. I just glared at them and then opened the doors and went in.

When the class is inside I saw Ales' class there scanning the library. "Ales!" I called to her.

"Alec!" Ales called to me. I approached her then smiled and said, "So let's tell our classes what is our class activity."

"Right." Ales replied. "Know class settle down." Me and Ales said in usion. The students all settled down as I continued.

"We are here today because we will discuss about the book of 'The Life of the First Black and White Magic User'." I started. "And we will have a roleplay of the first black and white magic users life. And the classes will be separated into two groups."

"Since all of the classes are equivalent of 45 students I will choose your groups. And since there is only one copy of the book the second group will have two options. Its either write their own copy of the book or make up their own version of the story." Ales continued.

The classes, except Alicia and Ms.Nievez, groaned in response. "Okay, let's begin. All of the students come here and pick a number." Ales said, as she pulls out a bowl with papers folded into triangles.

I walked to the shelf with the book that the class is going to roleplay then grabbed it then went back to Ales and the class.

"Okay, all students with the number one on their paper go to the table no.#1. While all student with the number 2 on their paper go to the table no.#2." I said, as I placed the book on the group 1's table.

"Now for the group 2 you will have too-" I was cut off by a loud bang from the basement.

All of us hurried down to the basement and found Ario backing up against the door of sealing.

"Ario what's the mater? Why is the book going haywire? Why does it want to get out?" I quickly asked Ario. But before Ario can answer the door burst open.

~To be continued...

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