Chapter 53: What Comes Next?

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Why do I think these people are from Hamilton?

And I also put my story as matured because of foul language so, sorry for not updating. I got busy with all the assignments that my teachers are giving me and other things. And I'm back with my problems with math and science! (┳Д┳)(┳Д┳)(┳Д┳) I can't seem to TAKE A BREAK with these stupid school work. So I'm so sorry again for not updating.


"The hell Alicia?!" Ethan growls at her as they all stood in front of the stage of the theater room. And by I mean 'they' consists of Alicia and Ethan's class, MK, Syn, Giselle and Charlie's class, KM, Jerick, and Ebony's class, and Dylan(KM's hubby) and Jedediah's class. "What?" Alicia asked Ethan.

" just had to ask your parents to make us all do this musical of yours!" Serena exclaims. "Why so mad?" Alicia asked with a smirk. "BECAUSE YOU ARE MAKING US TO THIS STUPID MUSICAL INSTEAD OF TRAINING BECAUSE WE ARE AT WAR WITH APOLLYON ACADEMY!" Zane and Jay screams on top of their lungs.

"Well what do you want me to do?" Alicia asked. "I think I should become the director of the musical. Instead of a girl who isn't quite familiar with other students in the academy." A French girl, Marie, told her. Everyone of them went quiet. Then there was a series of nods and a bunch of 'yeahs'. "So you all prefer to have her as the director? Someone who doesn't know the musical?" Alicia asked them sadly. "Yes." They all replied bluntly.

Alicia sighed sadly. "They say," Alicia sang, "The price of my war's not a price that they're willing to pay." Alicia turned her back at them. "Insane! You cheat with the French, now I'm fighting with France and with Spain. I'm so blue. I thought that we'd made an arrangement when you went away." Alicia looked back at them, "You were mine to subdue. Well, even despite our estrangement, I've got
A small query for you:" Alicia smirked at them.

"What comes next? You've been freed. Do you know how hard it is to lead? You're on your own.
Awesome. Wow! Do you have a clue what happens now?" Alicia looked at them coldly, "Oceans rise, Empires fall! It's much harder when it's all your call. All alone, across the sea
When your people say they hate you," Alicia eyed Marie, "Don't come crawling back to me." Alicia smiled at MK and her other friends, "You're on your own..." Alicia grinned before walking out of the theater room.

After she left MK and the others looked at each other, questioning if Alicia is really serious of what she said, er, sang. "What was that about?" Marie asked in her French accent. "She gets offended so you easily." Zane said. "I guess she's really serious about being the director of the musical." KM said. "Why should we ask her to come back?!" Ashley asked. "Because she has the list of the people who are playing as the main characters, secondary characters and background characters." Dylan said. "And she's the only one of us who knows how the musical is performed." Charlie finished.

"So what?!" Chelsea asked. "Okay. Who will get her?" Lance spoke up. All of the students, except for those people who are apart of Operation LaIsha, gasp in shock at Lance's response. "You can't be serious about this Lance!" Ashley exclaims. "I am. She's the reason why we're here right now. Why should any of us take responsibility? We all know that she put this idea to her mother just to make this happen." Lance told them.

The entire theater room went silent. Ethan sighed, knowing no one will be able to deal Alicia's crazy Hamilton obsession. "I'll get her." Ethan sighed. "What?!" All of them exclaim in shock and disbelief. Even Alicia's friends can't believe Ethan's words, especially his friends. "I said I'll get her." Ethan repeated. "But why?!" Serena asked. "Because I'm sure that I can convince her to come back." Ethan answered.

"Okay then Ethan. Go get her." Dylan told him. Serena and the other girls who likes Ethan, tried to stop him but he successfully got out of the theater room. Then he went to Alicia's dorm room first, but when he got there he is immediately greeted by a royally dressed Alicia. "The heck are you wearing?!" Ethan exclaims when he got in the dorm room.

"Ah! Ethan! What the heck are you doing here?!" Alicia screamed as she threw her scepter at Ethan. "I'm here to get you back to the theater room." Ethan said as he caught the scepter with his right hand. "But I don't wanna!" Alicia exclaims. "Alicia..." Ethan warned her as he dropped the scepter. "Nu uh!" Alicia pouted. "Alicia..." Ethan growled getting annoyed.

"No way!" Alicia exclaims as she jumps out of the window. "ALICIA!" Ethan screams as he followed her. And back with Lance and the others, "Where is he?! Did she do something to him?! Did she make him a butler or something?!" Serena asks herself while pacing back and forth. "Serena calm down. Its Alicia we're talking about. It will take a bunch of anime stuff and food to get her to come back here without a complain." Dylan told her. "He's right, Serena." KM said, agreeing with her boyfriend.

"But he's taking forever!" Ashley said, getting impatient. "If the Mrs.Vermilliona didn't request this from us then we wouldn't be stuck here!" Jessica, the girl Alicia beat up, exclaims. "And if Alicia didn't tell her mother about this, this wouldn't have happened!" Emerald, the bitch who screamed at Alicia, scoffs. "Then get out of here!" Aisha said. Serena, Ashley, Jessica and Emerald glared at Aisha but Aisha just shrugs them off.

"Hey guys! I found these lyrics sheets on a table in the back of the stages." MK said holding up two pieces of paper on her right hand. "Really? Is this one of the songs we're going to sing?" Saghi asks her. "I guess. And these sheets has a few people's names." MK said. "So who are those people?" Ryan asked.

"Lance as Alexander Hamilton, Syn as Lafayette, Charlie as George Washington, Ryan as Hercules Mulligan, etc." MK said. "What?!" The said boys exclaims in disbelief. "And there's also a note in the end of the second sheet that says the next song is 'What Comes Next' which probably means the song she sang to us a while ago." MK said, coldly.

"WHAT?!" They all asked MK. "You guys heard me." MK said. "No way! So she was just joking?!" Sora asked in anger. "So she didn't got offended. And Ethan went to get her for nothing?!" Bryan asked furiously. "Yup!" MK said. "With the looks of this sheets, it looks like she planned all of this." Aisha said, reading the lyric sheets from MK left shoulder.

They all frown at the information they found out about Alicia's plan on making them follow all her commands since she's the director of the musical they're doing. "So she did that just so we could pity her and beg her to come back." Chelsea said. "So that's why she did that. But why was she so stubborn to got back with me when I got to her dorm room?" They all looked at the door to see Ethan carrying a frowning Alicia on his shoulder like a potato sack.

"What happened to you?!" Serena asked him. "I chased this annoying blabbermouth around the academy 'cause she doesn't want to go back with me." Ethan said blankly. "What?" KM asked. "She jumped off the window and ran around the academy." Ethan said.







So...I'm sorry for not updating lately. School really made me busy so I decided to updated this chapter when I'm done with my English assignment. So I hope you liked this chapter even though I didn't update for so long. And I'm also sorry if its too short for your own liking.

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